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    Transitioned nursery from gender neutral room for firstborn son to gender neutral for second-born daughter.

    Girl. Daughter. Friend. Wife. Mother. Designer. Creator.
    Girl. Daughter. Friend. Wife. Mother. Designer. Creator.

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      1. KConner

        January 24, 2012

        Love it – what is the wall color?

      2. Zsa Zsa

        January 25, 2012

        This room really is a delight! That large canvas is a showstopper indeed. :)

      3. Rachael Johsnon

        January 27, 2012

        It looks like a richer creamy tan on the walls in the second picture. Did you repaint? What brand and color is it? I like it a lot.

      4. avalon

        January 28, 2012

        Classy and stylish nursery. You did an awesome job decorating it.

      5. Coastinganon

        March 19, 2012

        Rachael Johsnon,

        Before transforming the room from our guest room to the nursery, the walls were yellow. We painted the room the same color as our living room (which I realize is unhelpful…I’ll eventually get down to our basement to see if the can has any identifying numbers on it). The second picture looks warmer because of the lighting…it was not repainted.

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