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    When my husband and I found out we were having a girl, I knew I would have some fun with the nursery.  I pictured a room that was definitely girly but was not over-the-top frilly with pale pink, lace, and ruffles.  Teal has always been one of my favorite colors, but I wasn’t sure if using teal would be feminine enough.  Then, I stumbled upon the bedding with various shades of coral and peach and thought it would be beautiful with teal.  Thus, my color scheme was born!  I also knew that I wanted to put some boston terrier items in the room in honor of our dog, Dexter.

    I went back and forth on whether or not to paint the walls this color (Shermin Williams – Waterscape) or leave them the same gray as the rest of the house.  I finally took the leap and painted them, and I am so glad I did.  I think it gives the room an extra special pop of color.  Baby Emily loves the color as well – she seems to be a little calmer when we carry her in the room during one of her nightly colicky fits.

    I did not have an exact picture of the room in my head, and I wanted to avoid “matchy-matchy.”  So, I just began to gradually collect items that I thought would complement the bedding and walls.  I think the mismatched items give the room a more whimsical feel.  I ordered the big furniture on amazon (Thank goodness for Amazon Prime’s 2-day free shipping!).  Most of the decor is from Etsy, TJ Maxx, or Hobby Lobby.  I also enjoyed getting to do some of my own artwork for the walls.

    Haley Psencik
    Haley Psencik
    Haley Psencik

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