Shop Suggestions
I had so much fun designing my first child’s room. I took everything I loved from the Project Nursery and put it all together. I did not want one theme for the nursery so I went with a little of everything. I hope that this room can grow with him too!
Where did you find all the fun letters? Etsy?
Great job here. I love that airplane with the trail of your child’s name! Very fun even with the more mature colors and the lighting. Please do tell us where you got the planes!!
I found most of them at Hobby Lobby, TJ Maxx, and Urban Outfitters. I ordered the large A and Z from Etsy and I ordered the smaller painted letters from
I found the planes on the bookshelf at Hobby Lobby/TJ Maxx and the mobile came from Restoration Hardware :)
Hi! Could you please let me know where you got the green rocking chair? I love it! :)
The rocker was my great grandmother’s that I had recovered. I am a little sentimental :) Sorry! I know that doesn’t help you much.
Where did you get the letters for the emerson trailing the airplane?
I painted those letters and then mounted them on one piece of wood so that they were all connected.
Where is the small couch from and the hangers you have the clothes on above the couch?
The couch was also from family. I made the hangers. The hooks are actually water faucet knobs I ordered from Etsy and then attached to pieces of wood I painted and distressed. Very easy!
Too cute! What is the name of the Etsy seller for the large A and Z?
This room is so cute!! Where did you get the airplane pulling his name? I’ve been looking for something like it everywhere!!
This room is so lovely. You could see a lot of things here that are very beautiful on their own, and when taken together, creates a masterpiece. I love those whimsical letters and those that spell Emerson’s name. I love the planes, which seem to be the unifying factor of this room.
Another thing that I particularly loved is the bookshelf you have there with all the trinkets, toys, storage boxes and stuff… it really personalizes the room in a big way!
Hi! I love your room! Such inspiration! :)
I was interested in taking a look at Ethan’s Room and A through Z as well although I was having trouble finding them… do you have a link to both of those rooms?
Hi! I love your room! Such inspiration! :)
I was interested in taking a look at Ethan’s Room and A through Z as well although I was having trouble finding them… do you have a link to both of those rooms?
Hi! I love your changing table/dresser and bookcase…would you mind sharing where you got them? Thanks!
Where did you find the rug?
Adoarable- love your style.
Yes, where did this rug come from? Anyone know? I NEED it!
Love, love this room. You are so creative! I know that Baby Emerson will love it, too.
I LOVE THIS ROOM — we are in the Nashville area too and expecting our second boy. I love vintage/rustic design for little boys and this room nails that for me! I have been looking for a room with planes in it but didn’t want the typical “baby plane” look. I really like for rooms to grow with my kiddos and vintage planes and those colors can do just that! Thanks for some great ideas — I really want to find the plane you used for the name and mobile; SUPER CUTE!!
Sorry it has taken so long to respond. I have not been receiving email updates about the comments for some reason. I did get the rug from pottery barn. The mobile came from Restoration Hardware and I believe the plane for his name came from Kirkland’s…please feel free to ask about anything. Glad you like it and I am happy to help!
Hi! Thank you so much for the inspiration!! Do you recall the paint color/brand you used on the walls?
I asked everyone that attending my baby shower to bring a letter of the alphabet decorated as they like. The letters turned out awesome, but alot of them do not have any hardware on the back. I am wondering how you hung all of your letters. Thanks!!
The paint color is Mousse Moose by Behr I believe….I know it came from Home Depot. I attached those picture hangers to the back of most of my letters.
I love the alphabet wall! What did you find was the best way to hang the letters?
Love the alphabet wall, it’s exactly what I’m looking to do for my son’s playroom! Would you mind telling me what size the A and Z are? Thanks so much for your help!
I absolutely love the way you did Emerson’s name. I have been scouring the internet trying to find something on Etsy that is similar, but I can’t! I am not a crafty person so I would appreciate if you could tell me exactly how you made it. Are the letters on separate canvas or wood pieces and what did you use to paint the letters (stickers??) Any specifics you can give me would be GREAT!
Hi everyone!
I hung the letters by attaching the picture hangers to the back of the letters. Lots of holes in the walls! I need to measure the A and Z but they are between 2-3 feet.
Jessica- I hope to be selling the signs on Etsy soon. Email me and we may be able to work something out :)
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!!! Can’t wait to try and replicate this!!!
Great room! I love the eclectic design…where is your dresser/changing table from? I love that it’s white with the wood top-I haven’t come accross something like that yet and it’d be perfect for our nursery!
I got the dresser from a garage sale and stained/painted it myself. It’s not hard. The knobs came from Home Depot. Thanks so much!
Where did you get the polka dot bedding? I have been searching for the perfect polka dots and can’t seem to find what I am looking for. Thank you!!!
I love your nursery! You did such an amazing job! If I can do half as good a job for my little one, I’ll be very happy! I can’t believe you refinished your furniture yourself. Would you mind sharing the details of how? My hubby is trying to tell me what a huge job it is and to just buy new, but I think I’ve found the perfect dresser to turn into a change table and I love the eclectic look. Any helpful hints would be greatly appreciated! :) ie. Did you strip/sand it? Certain paint? 3 coats?
hey i was cursious where you found the bookshelve with drawers, i am in love with it !
The bedding is Skip Hop and I ordered from their site. As for the furniture…painting it was rather involved. I had to prime and then paint several coats as well as stain the top. Depending on what kind of furniture you buy depends on how you should refinish it but the people at Lowes were very helpful :) The bookcase with drawers was actually an armoire that I took the doors off of. I replaced the back with bead board. Hope this helps!
Just wanted to say that you are so sweet to take the time to answer everyone’s questions.
Rachel O.
So cute! I am hosting my sister-in-laws first baby shower and am having everyone bring a decorated letter to do the alphabet wall. Thank you so much for your inspiration! Can you please tell me where you found the life preserver for the “O”? That is the mom-to-be’s favorite part! I am having trouble finding one myself.
I found the O at Hobby Lobby. That was about a year ago though. Not sure if they still have it. Good luck!
The O is still there. I just purchased it yesterday!!! :)
Rachel O.
Thank you so much, ladies! I’m headed there now to hopefully find it!
Hi there! I am working really hard on replicating the alphabet wall for my baby’s room. I think I succeeded in getting most of the letters in differing fonts and sizes, but after painting them, they look way too “primary”…I am going to the scrapbook store to try and get something to cover a few to make it look more random. Any advice?
Hi there! I am working really hard on replicating the alphabet wall for my baby’s room. I think I succeeded in getting most of the letters in differing fonts and sizes, but after painting them, they look way too “primary”…I am going to the scrapbook store to try and get something to cover a few to make it look more random. Any advice?
I did that to two of mine. I simply traced the letters onto the paper and then used mod podge. Good luck!
Rachel O.
Woohoo! I found the life preserver for the “O” at Hobby Lobby today! And a horseshoe for the “U” and a cross for the “T” and an ampersand that I will mod podge, too. I also thought to use 4 rulers and glue/screw them together to make the “W”. I think I’m more excited for my sister-in-law’s nursery than I was for my own! Thank you so much for the inspiration!
Do u remember who you bought the A & Z from on Etsy?? were they already painted? Thnanks!
Where is the rocker/glider from! Did you have one re-upholstered? I have been looking for something just like this
Love the crib where’d you get it?!
Where did you get the changing pad cover?
How many inches are the “A” and “Z” and what store on etsy did you get them. Were they already painted?
The changing pad cover is from babies r us.
The A and Z are from an Etsy store called Mr.Woody. I believe they are 3 feet tall.
Thanks so much for responding!! I do have another question…how did you make the F and the H?
BTW…your nursery is absolutely adorable!!! You did a fabulous job!!
Love the nursery. My daughter is looking for a dresser/changing table like yours. Where did you find it?
Where did you find the stop light for the I?
I also loved the changing table/dresser! Where did you get it?
I hope imitation really is the sincerest form of flattery because I am in LOVE with Emerson’s nursery and have already started the Alphabet wall and purchased the Skip Hop bedding for our son Will, due June. Thanks for all the great ideas! You are so creative!
Do you remember what paint color you used for the dresser? I’ve purchased the same crib and have a dresser ready to repaint.
Hi! I know these are little details, but where did you find the basket on the changing table? And how did you attach the horseshoe to the wall? Is it a real horseshoe? Mine does not have holes in it…
The dresser was a yard sale find that I painted…I have no idea what color white. So sorry! I got paint chips and matched them as close as possible to the crib.
The basket came from michaels and my horseshoe has holes :( its a hobby lobby find.
Hi. I was wondering where you found the ‘H’ and how did u make the ‘f’?
Thanks so much! Was your “T”/cross also a Hobby Lobby find? :)
and where did you find your lamp? I know it’s hidden but looks cute!
one more question, so sorry! I really like what you did with the little table next to the rocker. Can you give me specifics on what it is, how you got it, and how you painted it? I love the look! It’s so great, you are one gifted/crafty lady! :)
Love your nursery, i really want to do the plane over the crib like you did with his name, where did you find that plane. Its simply perfect!
Where did you get the letters for his name or did you make them? If so, how?
Where did you find the airplane on the wall?? My husband is a pilot and we want to do an airplane nursery when we have a boy, but I am having trouble finding a plane to fly the letters of his name behind! Any advice would be much appreciated!
Absolutely love this room! You did an amazing job.
Question – what paint color are the walls?
Can you tell me where you found the bookcase?
Thank you!
I love the changing table and dresser. Where did you Mother find it? I’m looking for a white base with a cherry top. Thanks!
How big is your room? Love the way you did it!
I came across this page when researching life preserver ring when I was planning a nautical themed nursery for my 3rd son. Well, seeing your pictures made me scrap the whole nautical idea (even after I ordered bedding and a mobile that I had to return) I fell in love with the a-z wall! I hope you find it flattery that I am copying your ideas. I found the horse shoe, life ring, stop light, E, picture frame for f then printed out an f on computer, and the N from Hobby Lobby. I’m lucky that there is one right near me and to be honest never walked in the store prior to this. The A and Z I got from JoAnnes but it is made of cardboard and doesn’t look as nice as wood but at least light weight. I would love to paint my pottery barn brown dresser and crib but my husband would kill me! I fell in love with the green rocker! Although I had an expensive rocker and ottoman from pottery barn from my last 2 kids, I like yours more and the vintage look of it :) I found one just like it on craiglist that was brown. As I brought it home and it was in the back of my car I noticed it smelled of smoke and cats…yuck! I wanted to reupholster it anyway. On my trip home I stopped at a place and they told me it would be $700 to redo and that didn’t include material! I said no thanks and I will look somewhere else. My question to you is how much did you pay and where did you buy the green fabric for it? Do you remember the name? I have been hunting for a similar green. Thank you so much for the ideas!
Love everything about the baby room. Where did you get the letters for the alphabet wall?
Do you still have this mobile? I can’t find it to purchase anywhere online.