Shop Suggestions

    A fun and happy space for our eagerly expected arrival! I combined a bit of old and new and a few circus-y elements without sticking to a theme. I also DIY’ed a lot of elements for a personal touch.


    Shop New Arrivals


      1. hawahawa

        March 13, 2011

        About a week to go before we all meet Declan! I must say that you did great with this room…. and I envy you for your talent.  Where did you get that funky clock??? That is cute!!!!

      2. alisonline

        March 14, 2011

        Thanks so much for the kind compliment!  I got the clock on amazon.

      3. Pam

        March 15, 2011

        i have the same ikea storage unit. did the baskets at the bottom come from ikea also?

      4. sbarnhouse

        March 15, 2011

        Where is your crib from?  Is that a drawer at the bottom of it?  Thanks — great job on the nursery!

      5. alisonline

        March 15, 2011

        Pam, I got the baskets at Target. They are the Itso storage bins. I was suprised how well they fit the space!

        sbarnhouse, the crib is from babies r’us. It’s the Amy Coe Westport crib.  I just looked on their website, though, and couldn’t find it anymore, though. You are correct- that is a drawer on the bottom. I love having the extra storage space! Thanks for the compliment!

      6. emdavisdesigns

        March 17, 2011

        I absolutely LOVE his nursery!!! Great Job!!! Did you happen to make your mobile? It’s adorable! The colors of the room are wonderful as well! Very Inspiring!!

      7. Rolaine

        March 29, 2011

        This nursery rocks! Im totally w/ you when it comes to not trying to match everything. With hints of different colors and textures, it makes a room more fun and exciting! Great job!

      8. AmyGK

        March 30, 2011

        I love the line with the alphabet!  Where did you get those alphabet cards?  

        Beautiful job with the room – love it!

      9. AmyGK

        March 30, 2011

        Also – the bedding is adorable – where is that from?  I’m having a hard time with boy bedding! :)

      10. parsons

        April 1, 2011

        I would love to know what brand/color of paint that you used on the dresser, I am re-finishing a dresser as well for a changing table and that is the shade of blue I was thinking of!

      11. parsons

        April 1, 2011

        I would love to know what brand/color of paint that you used on the dresser, I am re-finishing a dresser as well for a changing table and that is the shade of blue I was thinking of!

      12. sarah

        January 19, 2012

        I was wondering where you found the ABC flash cards. They are absolutely cute!

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