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Daddy’s Little Girl


My wife gave me the task to create a nursery for our baby girl. Keep in mind she's our first, well not exactly we have a 5 yr old English Bulldog namd Suki who up until this point has been our one and only. So it was important to incorporate her into the room now that she will have to share her room with her sister.

Design Inspiration

I really wanted to create a room that would stand out visually but be very functional at the same time. We do not have a lot of space so storage was key. I really like clean lines and started with the Argington Eiffel Bookcase and then bulit from there.

Decorating Style

I'm not sure i have a specific style that i can say i follow. I like modern clean lines but at the same time use pieces and inspiration that seem to catch my eye.

Project Details

After the furniture was chosen Argington Eiffel bookcase along with Oeuf Classic Crib and Oeuf Classic dresser and changing table, it was time to choose wall colors. I wanted two colors and thought a soft pink and gray would be a nice combo (Dunn Edwards Baby Girl and SilverSpoon). The next task was trying to decide how to tie them together which led to the idea of creating a gray lattice effect on the pink walls to tie them in together. This was a much bigger task them i originally thought. Lots of tape and patience is the best way to describe it. The next critical feature was a window treatment that could block the sun as our window faces west and gets heavy sun from 11Am on. I ended up matching the gray color to a blackout shade by the Shade Store. The white curtains allow us to leave the shade open while still having some privacy. We wanted to add something to the ceiling and saw these circles made by Wallter and thought it would be a good addition.    The next features were ways to incorporate our Bulldog into the room. We found the mobile on Etsy and then painted it the colors to match the walls. The fabric paw print was another way to put Suki's stamp on the room. The last Suki piece was a portrait painted by Emily Burrowes that we have been talking about doing ever since we saw her work and this ended up being the perfect piece for the room.

Favorite Items

I must say the custom portrait of our Bulldog Suki is my favorite because it captures her personality. We will definitely have Emily do the same for our daughter Emmie next.


The one piece of advice that I got and will pass along is as you can see we do not have a glider in the room. We did get one but it's in our room. We were told if you get a Glider make sure you pick out a color or pattern that can be used for years to come. Our original choice was going to be pink and after thinking about how we could make a pink glider work for years to come we decided to go with a more versatile color and pattern that could easily fit with our family room.

Mama G

Monday 3rd of March 2014

Where on Etsy did you purchase the bulldog mobile?? I;ve searched everywhere and I can't seem to find one like this one. thank you for any help that you can offer!


Wednesday 5th of October 2011

You did such a fantastic job!! This room is so precious and I love that you incorporated Suki into it :)


Tuesday 4th of October 2011

Cjko, thanks for the kind words. Emily Burrowes has a breakdown of prices on her website which vary by size and content. She was a pleasure to work with and far exceeded our expectations. My wife and I had been talking about getting a commissioned portrait of our Bulldog for a couple years now and it just made since to finally do it and incorporate it into our nursery and we are so glad we did.


Tuesday 4th of October 2011

We have a "bully baby" too! Love this!!!


Monday 3rd of October 2011

I love your nursery! The use of pink is nice without being overly frilly. My favorite is the portrait of your dog. It is so great! Was it expensive to commission the portrait? I think this is a 5 star nursery.