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    My name is Julie and I blog at Happy Home Fairy – a place where I love sharing encouragement and fun ideas for moms.  After 4+ years of trying and then surrendering and then giving away allll the baby things from our other 2 babies (#irony!) – we were blessed with baby boy #3!  Anticipating this sweet surprise has been the best adventure.  And decorating his nursery was my favorite thing to do while dealing with pregnancy insomnia – ha!  I really wanted to create a peaceful space that reflected the qualities I pray our boy will have – strength, courage, and kindness.

    Removable wallpaper is a very popular trend right now.  I really wanted to incorporate it somehow into the baby’s room.  When I came across Rocky Mountain Wall Decals, I knew they would have just what I was looking for!

    I have a bit of a love obsession with buffalo plaid, so the Buffalo Check Wallpaper was perfect for the statement wall when you walk into the nursery.  My friend, Marcy from Project Artwork, offered to help put up the wallpaper and let me tell you – it was so much fun!  It took several hours, but it was really very simple!  The most challenging part was lining up the patterns, but other than that, the process was pretty easy.  I absolutely love how it turned out.

    When I saw THESE beautifully styled shelves paired with the IKEA Hemnes dresser, I was so inspired to create my own!  At first, I tried to recreate the shelves exactly as the ones that had inspired me, but then it just wasn’t right.  So I kept playing with it until it became my own.  It was such a good lesson for me to not rush into copying something, but to be thoughtful and intentional within my own creative place.

    Above our glider I had to hang some faux taxidermy because apparently that is my new hobby (see my boys’ bedroom reveal and also the preschool welcome center that I got to design).  These animal heads are handmade by the cutest little shop on Etsy called In Rainbows.

    I definitely think my favorite thing about this room is the subtle messages of strength, bravery, and sweet peace it communicates!  I can’t even tell you how many times I have wandered in there to escape everything (ie. the older two brothers fighting to the death with a laundry basket – true story) and just pray/dream/imagine what life will be like with our new little wonder.

    I hope he loves his room and I hope you do, too!

    Check out more nursery details HERE!

    My name is Julie, the Happy Home Fairy. I am married to a Worship Pastor, we have 2 boys, and I teach preschool. I love sharing easy, fun ideas to help moms build a happy home! Here you will find simple crafts, FREE Printables, yummy recipes, stories about my journey to trust Jesus with my family, and encouragement for your mama's heart.
    My name is Julie, the Happy Home Fairy. I am married to a Worship Pastor, we have 2 boys, and I teach preschool. I love sharing easy, fun ideas to help moms build a happy home! Here you will find simple crafts, FREE Printables, yummy recipes, stories about my journey to trust Jesus with my family, and encouragement for your mama's heart.

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      1. Meggan

        October 10, 2018

        What a precious nursery!! Love the verse and the changing pad cover!!

      2. Lauren

        October 10, 2018

        So sweet! I love the wallpaper!!

      3. abbie

        October 10, 2018

        I want a do-over of my nursery decor…can I go back in time 5 years? this is sooo cute

      4. Lisa

        October 10, 2018

        Love this nursery!! The removable wallpaper and scripture verse are AMAZING!! So well done!!

      5. Paige

        February 1, 2019

        Love this! Where did you get the round mirror and globe?

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