Shop Suggestions

    I designed this bedroom for my eight-year-old girl Bela. We both got really trired of her pink walls and thought it was time to freshen up a bit. I wanted to create a timeless space for her. So I opted for neutral color walls, lots of geometric patterns, streamline furniture pieces, and colorful accents. The space feels so airy and yet very cozy.

    Trendy Peas
    Trendy Peas
    Patchi Cancado is the creative director and co-founder of Trendy Peas—an online boutique focusing on home goods for little ones and their grown up versions. She lives in Virginia with her husband and three kids. When she is not spending time with her family, she is in her studio designing her next home good.
    Trendy Peas
    Patchi Cancado is the creative director and co-founder of Trendy Peas—an online boutique focusing on home goods for little ones and their grown up versions. She lives in Virginia with her husband and three kids. When she is not spending time with her family, she is in her studio designing her next home good.

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Hayley

        January 26, 2016

        Hi there
        where is the TE AMO art from?

      2. Trendy Peas

        February 24, 2016

        Hi Hayley,
        It is from Trendy Peas.
        You can find it here:


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