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    My husband and I wanted this nursery to be calming, inviting, neutral and to resonate with who we are as we welcome our son into our family. We also wanted something that our baby boy could grow into with pieces that he can use after his infant months. The nursery has a glass door that opens into our living room so we also wanted a space that would vibe with the rest of our home. 

    For the first half of my pregnancy this room was hosting 5 tiny foster kittens that we had taken in! Once they were all adopted we began the transformation starting with the walls, which we painted white over the taupe color they were. 

    I am a former-teacher and now full-time artist so most of the art in the room was created by me (with the exception of the abstract horse canvas above the chalkboard which was created by Denver artist Carrie Fell). We also included an easel to add additional artistic flare and a space where our son can eventually create art as well.

    Both my husband and I are passionate about education (he is also a former teacher) & social justice (he is now a social-worker) so our son’s library collection was very important to us. We created a book wall to showcase some of our favorite books. We hope these books build a love of literature and are also books that we can use to teach him to value and honor the perspectives and experiences of those who are different from him. 

    Our home has a lot of its own character, having been built in 1926. We have a gallery wall in our living room that houses sentimental and meaningful pieces of art, photos, and items that represent who my husband and I are individually and as a couple. We want our son to be able to showcase who he is  as well so we started a gallery wall space above his dresser that leaves room for him to add on to it as he develops his own passions and interests. 

    Last year for my birthday my husband gifted me a 1960s vintage record player. One of our new favorite hobbies is to hunt records and listen to our favorites on the record player. We included a simple record player into our son’s room in hopes that he will enjoy the same pastime with us. We have already stocked his collection of records with some great 1960s Disney vinyls & one of our dear friends found him a wonderful Fisher Price vintage-style record player that he can tote around as he gets bigger. We love the eclectic vibe this brings to his space. 

    Finally, my husband and I are big Oklahoma City Thunder basketball fans, so we incorporated small things into his room that didn’t scream “sport’s team brand” but also represented our love for our favorite sports team and the city we live in. I lettered the “Why Not?” poster above the rocking chair to add some Thunder flare & we found a plush Russell Westbrook doll that we just couldn’t pass up.

    We think this space is calming and eclectic and we look forward to welcoming our baby boy home in a few weeks and getting to know him.

    Brittany Viklund
    Brittany Viklund
    Mama-to-be who creates art for a living, loves animals and decorates with sentimental and meaningful elements.
    Brittany Viklund
    Mama-to-be who creates art for a living, loves animals and decorates with sentimental and meaningful elements.

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      1. Kate

        February 21, 2018

        Love your nursery! I have the same rug featured in this nursery :) I was curious where you got that pretty slate grey throw from? I’m having trouble finding one that has the same blue undertones. Thank you in advance!

      2. Barbara

        July 16, 2018

        I’m wondering if you’ll share a source. I’m looking for an 8-cube storage piece like the one you have in pic #14 of your nursery–so cute by the way. All the ones I find online have the same thickness, or really lack thereof, between the cubes as there is around the entire unit thus making for a skimpy piece. Yours is thicker all the way around which is what I’m looking for. Will you tell me where I can find it??? Thanks.

        P.S. I don’t have a website. I’m just a grandmother trying to decorate my grand baby’s playroom.

      3. Brittany

        July 16, 2018

        Hey Barbara! What a sweet grandma! And no problem— they are from Ikea however they were purchased in 2011 so I’m not sure if they still have them but my fingers are crossed for you!

      4. Beth

        July 16, 2018

        Hi Barbara, It looks like the KALLAX Shelf from Ikea to me. Good luck with your decorating!

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