Shop Suggestions

    As we have limited space and the nursery is also the music studio and our guest room, this room had to remain multifunctional.


    Shop New Arrivals


      1. mama4

        June 3, 2010

        love the mobile!

      2. natashkany

        June 11, 2010

        where did you get your crib set??

      3. mvrunner79

        June 11, 2010

        The crib set came from Carousel Designs,

      4. lairdsmom

        February 2, 2011

        That is a really lovely space!  The colours are great!  I HAVE to tell you that I LOVE LOVE LOVE your son’s name!    I have a 4 year old son named Laird and we are desperately trying to give him a little brother before time runs out for me!  Vaughn is our first choice if we are to ever get another little boy!  Congratulations!!!!!  :)

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