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    Yellow and Gray Chic Nursery


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      1. Yasmin

        November 30, 2011

        Hi! is the tree a decal or did you hand paint it? If it is a decal, pray tell where can I find one? Thank you.

      2. kgreen

        November 30, 2011


        The tree is a wall decal from Dali Decals.

        They have great ones to choose from!

      3. MarissaS

        December 5, 2011

        I really love the room. But if only the photos were of better quality, I would have loved it more.

      4. JessDon615

        December 27, 2011

        Great room! What kind of crib is that?

      5. KGreen

        January 4, 2012

        Thanks! We bought the crib from Babies R Us – Baby Cache by Munire.

      6. Michelle

        March 12, 2012

        What brand and color of paint is that?

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