Shop Suggestions

    Ariella is our little winter baby, with her birthday falling in the first week of January.  Even though we live in Los Angeles and it’s not technically freezing over here, I still loved the idea of making a ‘winter wonderland’ themed 1st birthday party for her.  I’d seen quite a few winter wonderland kids parties floating around on the web, but I didn’t want recreate those typical winter parties with penguins, polar bears, and igloos.  Instead, I had the idea in my head for a rustic/shabby chic winter wonderland party that still had the winter feel, but was a bit more girly & sophisticated.  Just like our little girl!

    Entertaining With Emily
    Entertaining With Emily
    Although my design background is in interior architecture, I am a creatively-obsessed, hands-on DIYer mostly because I have an insatiable need to alter everything, just a bit. I never met a can of spray paint I didn’t like!
    Entertaining With Emily
    Although my design background is in interior architecture, I am a creatively-obsessed, hands-on DIYer mostly because I have an insatiable need to alter everything, just a bit. I never met a can of spray paint I didn’t like!

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Kimmy Doraine

        January 28, 2013

        This party is like something out of a magical dream. The decor’s amazing and impeccable. And Ariella looks like such a winter angel!

      2. Katie

        February 4, 2013

        It’s hard to believe that so many of the items are DIY, they are so well-made and coordinated!

      3. lisacng @

        February 5, 2013

        What an amazing party and so elegant! Congrats!

      4. Charlotte Friedman

        February 19, 2013

        AWESOME…. so gifted :)

      5. Jillian

        May 3, 2013

        just gorgeous! love every single detail!!

      6. Sam

        September 9, 2013

        Hi! Your party is my inspiration for my sisters baby shower. I LOVE the invitations and was hoping you could elaborate on how you made them?

      7. Molly

        September 17, 2013

        I have been planning this theme for my daughter’s 1st birthday. I just love your invitations. Would you be willing to do them for her birthday?

      8. Heather Arnold

        September 26, 2013

        Yes! I love the invites! Do you have a shop to order! Am interested!

      9. Sam

        September 30, 2013

        Hey Molly. I saw your comment on here and thought I might be able to help. I used the invitation I saw on here as my inspiration and recreated one of my own. If you would like to email me, I can share the one I made for my sisters baby shower and create one for you.

      10. Anna

        October 23, 2013

        Hi there – I love this theme for my daughters 1st bday, would you be willing to sell it to me?

      11. danielle

        October 30, 2013

        Hi Sam, I am looking for something similar for my daughters birthday, would you be willing to share the invite you created?

      12. Samantha Clark

        November 10, 2013

        Hi Danielle-
        I posted the invites I made on I have gotten several requests so I thought it would be easier to post it. Here’s the link:


      13. Amy

        November 20, 2013

        Hi Emily this party turned out amazing! I am doing this theme for my daughter’s first birthday and using your party as some major inspiration (you are so talented). Do you have any leftover items/decorations that you would be willing to sell? Please email me if so Thanks!

      14. Charity

        December 11, 2013

        I’m doing tomato soup grilled cheese shooters for our party. How did you keep the grilled cheese warm? I figured I would put the tomato soup in a crockpot to keep warm, but I wasn’t sure what to do with the grilled cheese?

      15. Emily A.

        March 18, 2014

        This is so amazing! I am looking for inspiration for my own 21st winter wonderland themed party but I don’t think I could ever manage something this perfect! A few people have already asked, but I just thought I would ask again- how did you manage to create such amazing invitations??? Advice would be much appreciated!

      16. Lacie

        July 2, 2014

        Hi Samantha. I know this was forever ago, but was wondering if you still had any info or the listing on the invites you created for this?
        I’m planning my daughters party as well and would love to use.
        thank you

      17. Kala

        July 11, 2014

        I am going to be doing this for my son’s first birthday… Where did you get the coffee cups? Love the natural look!

      18. Isabella V

        September 3, 2014

        Hi can you repost the invites you made?

      19. Vicki

        October 12, 2014

        This is gorgeous. I plan to mimic so much of what you’ve done for my baby girl’s first party in December. Thank you for the inspiration!

      20. Kat

        October 14, 2014

        I love your invitations! Where can I get these or at least the paper to print them on?
        Thank you!

      21. Katya

        October 27, 2015

        Hi Emily
        This is a gorgeous birthday party :)
        Just wanted to ask you where did u get the paper rosettes with snowflakes that you have on the wall? I would love to have smtg similar to my daughter’s baby shower


      22. Entertaining With Emily

        January 18, 2017

        Hi Everyone – Thanks for your sweet comments! In regarding to the tomato soup and grilled cheese shooters – here’s the scoop: Keep the soup warm in a crockpot on Low or Warm. Have someone re-fill the tray of shooters when some get taken. We made the grilled cheese ahead of time – slice into triangles and keep warm in an oven on low or a toaster oven. Or, you can just have a crockpot on the table with tomato soup in it and have the guests serve themselves!

      23. Entertaining With Emily

        January 18, 2017

        Also, I wanted to let everyone here know that the invites I made for this party (a printable version of my handmade ones) are finally NOW available for sale in my etsy shop, along with some other printable items from this party!

      24. PROZE

        May 8, 2017

        So beautiful and elegant, I am inspired. Any ideas on entertainment for one year olds??

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