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Aria’s 1st Birthday Party


A lovely 1st birthday party for our sweet baby girl, Aria.

Project Details

Most of the items were DIY, consisting of lace, ribbon, and scrapbook paper from Joann Fabric and Michael's.  And zots. Lots of zots!  If you've never used them before, pick some up before starting your next craft project. They are little adhesive circles (they come in a range of sizes) and are SO much easier to use than glue, tape, or rubber cement.

The "Birthday Chalkboard" was also a DIY project.  I downloaded fonts from (Kimberly Gerswein's styles are my favorite!) and designed the layout in PowerPoint (I switched the page orientation to vertical and changed the page dimensions to match the size of the frame). Once complete, I saved it as a PDF file, and had it printed at a local copy store (on regular paper).

The delicious treats (macaroons, cake pops, cupcakes, and cookies) were from Lady Yum.

Favorite Items

I'm kind of obsessed with the ribbons hanging above the bunting and table, and I love how the chalkboard turned out.  But my favorite item is probably the birthday crown from Love Crush Bowtique on Etsy.  Aria didn't keep it on her head for more than 30 seconds, but I'm excited to make this an annual tradition and hope to get a picture of her with it on her head at every birthday!

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Tuesday 26th of November 2019

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Monday 5th of October 2015

I just love your birthday chalkboard project. What a sweet idea. I found a lot of great fonts to download but unfortunately for some reason it doesnt work with google chrome. So I too wanted to ask if you would be willing to share your file for my own personal use for my daughter briar's first birthday. I would be ever so grateful. sincerely, krysta snohomish, wa


Thursday 31st of July 2014

I'm a first-time mommy to an Aria also!! She'll be turning 1 at the end of September and I love the photo banner you made . . .wondering if you could share the details with me about how you made it . .I've been looking at some on Etsy but don't like them as much as yours or if you'd be up to making another. . .I'd happily pay/reimburse you!! Also, your birthday chalkboard is amazing . wondering if you'd be willing to share the file?


Monday 21st of July 2014

Love this so much! Where did you get the dot frame? I'm trying to create my own for my daughter. Thank you!