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    We were so excited to decorate our baby’s nursery as soon we found out we were having a girl! We decided on an Adventure and Travel theme that could be adapted into a Big Girl room later on too. Hot Air Balloons were our inspiration because my husband and I rode one while were dating and would love to take our children on similar adventures!
    The most important thing for us was to incorporate elements from our story, families, and childhoods. We used photos from our hot air balloon ride, made a map showing where our baby has family to visit some day, handmade items from each grandmother, and more! It was so much fun, and we love that our baby girl’s room is full of stories to tell her!
    Our biggest advice is just to have fun with it! Decorating a nursery while anticipating the arrival of a little one is such a special thing to do together.
    Jacqueline Murdock
    Jacqueline Murdock
    I am a new mama to a sweet baby girl and a watercolor and hand lettering artist. I love DIY and exploring anything outdoors with my husband.
    Jacqueline Murdock
    I am a new mama to a sweet baby girl and a watercolor and hand lettering artist. I love DIY and exploring anything outdoors with my husband.

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