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    Baby number two will be here any day and his nursery is officially move-in ready!

    When we found out baby #2 would be a boy I couldn’t wait to get started on his nursery. So I did what anyone would do – I went on Pinterest. I found a mountain scene décor that sparked the “adventure” theme idea, and from there it just grew.

    This room is an odd size (long and thin) and so I had to create a few different areas for the room. My husband and I wanted the focal point of the room to be a mountain tree mural, so I designed it and we projected it on the wall and traced it. My husband mixed and painted the scene and it turned out pretty perfect. The room was already painted a light mossy color so we wanted the other shades of green we used to complement that shade. We ended up getting a light beige/grey color for the top/light color and emerald green for the second to last green color. From there we added green to the beige/grey and black to the green to get different shades.

    The teepee is the one part of this room that my husband is not quite fond of (he thinks it doesn’t quite go with the adventure theme) I however disagree – and I’m the decorator…so I won. We needed something to fill the space in this corner, so I found a design to make a teepee and got to work. The plush campfire adds that little extra touch and pop of color, and hopefully this space will be a fun play area as Baby gets older.

    I struggled with what to put on the wall behind the teepee and went back and forth with different ideas. I started with canvas designs, then moved to branch décor, mountain light décor, and back to canvas designs. I wanted another way to add a pop of that orange color to that side of the room. So I designed 6 adventure-themed images and voilà! Gets the job done and can be changed easily enough if I find something else I like better.

    The cabinet was originally purchased to put my crafting stuff in (as this room use to be my craft space), but I got a different storage unit for Christmas so now it holds extra baby supplies, diapers, wipes, etc. It’s not necessarily ideal, but it adds some leveling to this side of the room. I knew what I wanted trees and a lantern (which we plan on using as baby’s nightlight) on the cabinet, but the wall above the cabinet was another one I struggled with. I had a lot of wall décor to use and had searched on Pinterest for wall ideas, but everything looked so cluttered and I wanted to have a full yet clean look. I had purchased the bear head and a fox head but it was just too much with both of them on the wall and I couldn’t find the right balance with the taller trees on the cabinet. Eventually, I found the set of arrows that helped give balance to the bear head and taller trees.

    The other side of the room is probably my favorite space in the room. My husband asked me if there was anything I wanted this time around that we didn’t have with our daughter, and the first thing I said was that I wanted a comfortable chair/glider. We had a wooden rocking chair with a tiny bit of padding in my daughter’s nursery (which was an itty bitty room compared to this one), so I knew I wanted something comfortable for late-night feedings or somewhere relaxing to just sit and rock with Baby.

    I got a side table next to the chair with easy access to store burp cloths, nursing supplies, etc., (which I’m keeping in the adorable bear bin) so I went with a little cube storage as a side table. I also purchased, what I think, is the most ingenious thing for the baby’s room, a tiny mini-fridge. My daughter was both breast and bottle-fed so that my husband and I could split feeding duties, and (lucky for us) she also drank breast milk straight out of the fridge; so I got a mini-fridge that we could keep in Baby’s room so my husband doesn’t have to trek all the way downstairs to the kitchen in the middle of the night to grab a bottle (and in case baby #2 doesn’t take milk straight out of the fridge the mini-fridge can also stay warm instead of cold).

    Do you know how hard it is to find a specific colored lamp? I was trying to find an emerald green lamp base to go on the side table but was coming up empty-handed. I thought about getting a grey one but then decided with the grey chair and the weathered grey side table it would be too much grey. So I ended up getting a clear lamp base and put pinecones in to add a little something to it.

    The wall décor above the chair I had picked out early on, but how to hang it up was where I struggled. I originally wanted to do canvas prints, but couldn’t get the sizes I wanted at an affordable price. I went back and forth with the hanging frames, just because it seemed like it was going to be a tight fit and thought it might look too squished on the wall. Overall it worked out and looks great in this corner.

    Once we figured where the chair would go and which wall the crib would be on I knew I needed a pretty long dresser to fill the large empty wall. I also wanted a dresser long enough to double as a changing table. Ikea had some of the longest dressers at the price point I wanted, so it was Ikea for the win.

    Above the dresser was the easiest spot to decorate. My favorite piece of décor is the wall compass. I had seen a setup over the dresser with a mirror and floating shelves on Pinterest, but I didn’t necessarily need a mirror in the baby’s room, so I found this awesome compass from Wayfair which adds that perfect adventure touch.  The floating shelves helped give me a nice higher spot to put my Project Nursery monitor, as well as add a few more adventure décor pieces.

    The final piece in the nursery is the blanket ladder. Giving it’s’ winter in the midwest, I figured we might want a few blankets to grab and snuggle up with. While I wanted blankets nearby I didn’t solely want blankets on the ladder. It took a few purchases to find baskets that were tall enough to sit on the rung below and stay upright. Right now I have books in the baskets but can change what they hold as needed.

    So what I started to piece together last year in October is finally done and ready for baby, whenever he decides to make his grand entrance. I love how the room turned out and think it will be a great space with décor that will last as he grows.

    My name is Rachel. My husband and I have a beautiful daughter and a little boy on the way - any day! We live a small(ish) town lifestyle and love every minute. Our life revolves around faith, family, swimming, and early bed times.
    My name is Rachel. My husband and I have a beautiful daughter and a little boy on the way - any day! We live a small(ish) town lifestyle and love every minute. Our life revolves around faith, family, swimming, and early bed times.

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        January 13, 2021

        Holy cow! You are a very creative brain. I love what you have done with the space and can’t wait to hear how it treats you!

      2. Penny

        January 13, 2021

        Great job guys!

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