Shop Suggestions

    Big Girl Shoes and lot’s of Pink!

    Wife to a former USAF officer and future Doctor! Mommy of 4! Painter (check out my blog, Cheerleading coach and best of all Child of God!
    Wife to a former USAF officer and future Doctor! Mommy of 4! Painter (check out my blog, Cheerleading coach and best of all Child of God!

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Sujean

        May 31, 2012

        Hi Sarah!
        I was forwarded this link and was absolutely floored and honored Birdie made Avalyn’s room! I’m even more happy that she likes the book. Please give Avalyn a hug and hi5 for me.
        Warmest wishes,

      2. Sujean

        May 31, 2012

        PS – YOU did amazing job too! I’m so impressed with your painting and attention to detail:)

      3. IngridCalloway

        June 4, 2012

        Oh wow! I love this design idea. Instead of the boring baby girl look it has all the trappings of a fashionista room :) Good work on the whimsical shoes!

      4. avalon

        June 18, 2012

        So lovely! I wish you could teach us on how to create those dazzling shoes freehand!

      5. Sarah Johnston

        November 6, 2012

        Hi Sujean!

        It’s been 5 months since I checked this site and I was shocked and honored to see your reply! Thank you so much for your kind words! Your art work is absolutely beautiful! When I picked the book up in the store I was in love, with not only the beautiful water color illustration but also the sweet story. The mural was certainly a labor of love, not the easiest thing to paint on extremely textured walls but I was determined to get it right (even if it took 30 hours;)! I love sharing your book with people when they come to my home and look at my daughter’s room. Thank you so much!


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