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    Our first baby’s nursery.


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      1. Shea Lavander

        February 16, 2012

        I Love the nursery and congrats on winning the crib. I was just wondering how long ago
        you purchased the owl bank that’s on the shelf?

      2. Jen

        February 17, 2012

        Thanks! I got it from Probably 3 months ago.

      3. Lindsay

        February 17, 2012

        Love this room, so simple and colourful. Many of the accents & furniture choices remind me of my nursery in progress!

      4. Zsa Zsa

        February 17, 2012

        I think the book shelves are simple and practical. May I can do that in my daughter’s room.

      5. Recreate

        February 17, 2012

        The pastel colors are really sweet and tender and delicate. They are perfect for a little girl’s room. You’re very lucky to have won the crib, congrats!

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