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    a bright, colorful (small!) shared space in a 3 bedroom house for 3 little boys with a baby sister on the way


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      1. Ken

        March 28, 2011

        It’s amazing how neat this room looks, even with three little ones inhabiting it!!!  I love the circles you have all over the place and how you’ve created a personalized wall for each of your boys.  Are those circles on the walls magnetized or made of cork, or did you paste those pictures in them?

      2. slb

        March 28, 2011

        thanks!  (sadly, it’s only neat for 5 mins or so after I clean it.) the circles and are magnet boards and oversized circle magnets from Land of Nod…the perfect alternative to a traditional corkboard/push pins with a little one who still can’t be trusted not to put such things in his mouth.

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