After 2 boys we are expecting our first girl.....Yes, there is alot of PINK but this is the first shade of pink in our house in 10 years so I don't mind ;)
We used the same furniture we had in both our boy's nurseries we just sanded it down and painted the pieces black. I love the pink and black contrast!
The chandelier was $100, no cost on the furniture, the fabric for the bedding cost $100, the paint was $75, crown molding was $45 and my husband put it up, black paint was $35 to paint the furniture and molding, most wall decor was from Hobby Lobby and I used 40% coupons, the closet organizer was on sale at Target for $40 plus the 4 pink canvas boxes were $24. As you can see, the room did not cost all that much money. The most expensive piece was the glider from Buy Buy Baby (it was a gift) $400-we used a coupon and bought the floor model for an extra discount!
Project Details
I bought the chandelier on Amazon. The glider is from Buy Buy Baby. The bedding was custom made by my mother-in-law (fabric purchased at Hobby Lobby).
The paint color is: Benjamin Moore Blushing Bride and the stripes are Deep Carnation.
Favorite Items
The chandelier and the black crown molding are my favorite! I love the pink stripe wall too!
Saturday 9th of March 2013
@Ross-actually the opposite. The room is very bright-maybe too The chandelier puts out a perfect amount of light at night. We even have it on a dimmer.
Wednesday 6th of March 2013
Love it!
Ross Neytiri
Tuesday 5th of March 2013
I love the black chandelier. But don't these colors make the room really dark, especially when you only have those chandeliers as your light source at night?