Toddler Room

Our Real Rooms, showcasing rooms submitted to us by Project Nursery readers, is fast gaining popularity and we absolutely love it! Thanks to all of you who have sent in room submissions. If you have a great nursery or kid's room you would like us to feature, please visit our Submit page. Here is another …

Not everyone lives in a 6+ bedroom home in Pasadena! If you are fan of that drama stricken Sunday night show (like me and my mother-in-law), you'll know exactly what I mean. Space does have its constraints and many of us are faced with the challenge of a boy/girl shared room. It can be quiet …

My mailbox is full of junky catalogs and value pack coupons daily. But every now and then I get a decent catalog. Today's mail brought Garnet Hill. Sure, I know Garnet Hill, where respectable woman's clothing and jewelry pieces are showcased but this time, the catalog was dedicated to kids. Not anticipating finding anything I …

Congrats to blogging friends Tiny Decor for launching their entirely eco-friendly boutique this month! Tiny Decor promotes "naturally modern" nurseries and they do so with great style and fresh designs. What better way to kick off your eco-friendly nursery or playroom with inspiration boards from their Nursery Design Guide created by owner and designer, Jackie …

A vibrant, colorful and bright room for a little girl. SF mom Diana created this playful room for her daughter Pip centered around their favorite color, orange. Diana sewed two different sheets together to create a custom reversible duvet cover and found fun floral pillows to complete the bedding. The piece of art above Pip's …