Room Tours

Twin Girls Nursery

We first learned of Alexis’ adoption story when she took over the Coveted Things instagram feed to tell her story. We were so moved by the family’s story that we just knew we had to share it with you all too. […]

Kailee Wright Nursery

We’re lucky enough to again be touring a gorgeous nursery design from our talented friends at Oilo Studio. This time it’s the nursery of the lovely Kailee Wright. It’s following one of our predicted nursery trends of 2017—the sophisticated nursery. […]

Eclectic Girl's Nursery

It’s that exciting time of the month when we review the best of the best room projects that have hit our gallery. We’ve narrowed it down to some favorites, but now we really need you all to be the ones to help us select which will be our newest project of the month. […]

Rachel Parcell Boy Nursery

Last time we checked in with Rachel Parcell, of Pink Peonies, we were sharing her daughter’s glamorous nursery, with a healthy dose of pink, of course! Today we get another glimpse into the Parcell home to tour little Jackson’s nursery. […]

Lunchpail's + Lipstick Nursery

Lisa is the West Coast half of Lunchpails + Lipstick, and she recently welcomed her third daughter Ozzy. Ozzy will be sharing space in their California home with her seven-year-old big sister Goldie. […]

Gender Neutral Twin Nursery - Project Nursery

We are so delighted to be sharing the nursery of Stephanie Nash, known as NashStyling on Instagram, with you all today. The twin nursery is chock-full of items from small businesses, which makes for a beautiful and unique space that is totally inspiring. […]

Safari Themed Twin Girls Nursery

On a hectic week in October, I received a call from the glamorous Patricia Tang, an expectant mother of twin girls and a powerhouse of NYC Real Estate and Interior Design. Patricia had a clear vision of how she wanted the space to look and was mid-process on the design of this very special nursery. …