Baby Rooms

Heirloom Nursery

There is something that tugs at our heartstrings when we see a room filled with sentimental, heirloom accents. This room is a perfect blend of items that have been passed down through the family, like the rocking chair and bassinet, and things found at local flea markets. […]

Birdie 1st Birthday

It’s Friday, and we are ready to rock and roll into our weekend. Thank you to everyone who uploaded projects to our gallery this week! We loved everything we saw, and we’re excited to share our four favorite projects with you. […]

Polka Dot Room

We know you’re busy taking the Halloween decorations down and stashing your candy bowls, but take a break for a few minutes and check out some of the gorgeous uploads to the gallery this week. Even in a week of creepy frights, the projects are sure to keep you inspired. Please tell us which one …

On the Night You Were Born First Birthday Party

Halloween is a wrap, as is our monthly gallery contest! We’re excited to share the winners in both the room and party categories—they are both beautiful projects. […]

High above the streets of New York City, a modern space was getting ready for a new life. My goal was to create work that is both cute and chic. Fasten your seat belts, batten down the hatches, fill up the tank, and let’s go for a design ride together through this mod blue and …

Yellow and Blue Nursery Makeover - Project Nursery

We were so excited to share the design reveal of Meghan’s embrace space, and now we want to give you a behind-the-scenes peek at how we came up with the design. Since they were starting with a basic beige guest room, Pam and Melisa knew they wanted to transform it into a bright and airy …

Tucker's Nursery

We can’t tell if it’s that amazing coral and white striped ceiling or that fabulous, huge world map that makes this nursery so lovely? Regardless of what detail you love most, the smile on that adorable baby’s face is all we need to see that this is one special, happy space! […]