Toddler Room

Mint Girls Room with Unicorns

Today we are visiting Beth Light’s home and touring her daughters’ shared bedroom. The space is fresh and girly and just perfect for a pair of sisters growing up together. […]

Black and White Nursery - Project Nursery

Today we are touring the fun shared bedroom of two brothers—three-year-old Lincoln and three-MONTH-old Henrik McKeen. We love the combination of sophistication and whimsy in this bedroom—just perfect for blending a space for an older brother and baby. […]

Floral Toddler Room

We are touring the most darling floral toddler room belonging to little Phayre, daughter of Marisa Brown. You may know Marisa from the lifestyle blog Hello, Baby Brown. There you can find her sharing about her marriage, motherhood and her home in Portland, Oregon with two girls and soon a baby boy! So let’s take …

Toddler Room DIY Headboard

When we found out we were expecting a little girl, we immediately started planning on transitioning our two-year-old from his crib and nursery to a big boy room. We wanted something timeless—something that would grow with him through the years, something that made him feel special. […]

Lunchpail's + Lipstick Nursery

Lisa is the West Coast half of Lunchpails + Lipstick, and she recently welcomed her third daughter Ozzy. Ozzy will be sharing space in their California home with her seven-year-old big sister Goldie. […]

Colorful and Graphic Big Boy Room Modern Superhero Toddler Room

Hello friends! I am so excited to share my latest room reveal for my youngest little. With three boys, one is always coming into a stage while another is leaving a stage of growing up. When I had the first two, I was so on top of my design game. […]

Gray and White Toddler Room with Cabin Bed from RH Baby & Child

Toddlers are tough critics, and they sure are vocal about their opinions. There’s nothing quite like a two-year-old temper tantrum when you try to give your little the wrong snack […]

Dinosaur Modern Boy's Room

I blinked and my baby turned into a toddler. It’s hard to believe it has been three years since we revealed Blake’s Walk in the Park Nursery. I put off transitioning his nursery for as long as I possibly could, but the time has finally come […]