Project Nursery

I’m loving the resurgence of the clean and straight-lined elegant Shaker style furniture in nursery design. Ducduc was one of the first brands to reinvigorate the look with their Savannah dresser. […]

We love monthly baby photos, and we love the trend of displaying them at first birthday parties. Take a look at some creative ways in which Project Nursery readers are including their baby’s monthly growth into their party decor. […]

DIY Paper Flower Pomander

Lovely round balls of flowers, commonly known as pomanders, have been around as arrangements for centuries. With flowers made of paper, however, these DIY pomanders are a fabulous new twist on an old tradition. […]

When you thought about what it would be like to be a parent, I bet one idyllic scene you imagined was you and your little one working side by side mixing up a yummy batch of cookies, all smiles and happiness. When your toddler finally gets old enough to help in this childhood rite of …

Nursery with Side Table

During a recent interview, we were asked about mistakes that parents make when designing a nursery, and this got us thinking. So many times we’ve seen our friends, family members and clients decide to skimp on some items that can really help make a nursery function. […]

Stack & Stick Blocks

Looking for a classic toy that will get your kids using their brains and creativity? Stack & Stick Blocks will entertain your older kids and keep them away from the television. Watch Pam and Melisa as they review the blocks on Project Nursery’s YouTube Channel. […]

Sisters Shared Pink Nursery

Tick...tick...tick... While we're waiting for the minutes to pass to get to the weekend fun, please take a second to check out our favorite projects of the week. It'll make the time pass faster. Please let us know which one you "like" the most by Monday. Cosette & Delilah's Shared Girls Room by Susie Click …

Bonavita Harper Lifestyle Crib

We love giving cribs away here at Project Nursery, and today Bonavita is teaming up with us to give away their gorgeous Harper Lifestyle Crib. Nesting is one of the most exciting parts of preparing for your baby’s arrival, and there’s nothing quite like setting up the crib for the first time. […]