We’ve always said you can find your nursery design inspiration anywhere, and Ju-Ju-Be’s Be Prepared Diaper Bag in the First Lady design is a stunner whose good looks we just knew would translate into a gorgeous nursery. […]
Design Inspiration Ideas
No closet in the nursery? No problem! Of course it’s the most obvious place to store baby’s clothes and other necessities, but there are plenty of amazing solutions in our gallery for organization in nurseries without closets. […]
I was recently working with a new nursery design client, and she told me that she hastily purchased her nursery furniture but later decided that she didn’t like it. It wasn’t returnable, so she asked me to work on ways to incorporate her existing furniture into the design. […]
School is back in full swing, and we’re inspired to go back to the basics—in baby’s room, that is! There’s no better place than in the nursery to start teaching your little one about the world around her, so why not start from the very beginning with the ABCs? […]
I have to say I’m a fan of using blue in girls’ rooms. While all pink can be done right, adding a dash of blue is a safe way to keep it from going too saccharine. […]
What? Could it be? I think I spy another up-and-coming trend in baby decor! Vintage nursery design has been sprinkling the gallery for a while now, but lately it seems to be in full bloom! […]
We’ve shared nurseries in a rainbow of colors, the prettiest pink rooms, beautiful blue spaces and even fifty (yes, fifty!) shades of gray nurseries. But what happens when you strip away the color and design a space using just black and white? […]
When I first started designing nurseries, acrylic and lucite materials were a hot commodity—they were very trendy and showing up everywhere. Now, so many years later, acrylic is still a fixture in modern design, and I love seeing how it is used in nursery furniture and decor. […]