Room Decor

Wendy Bellissimo for JCPenney Crib Bedding

We’re happy to announce that another fabulous designer collection has made its way to the public in a more affordable and accessible fashion. This time it’s the fab and celeb-favorite Wendy Bellissimo, who has designed a collection of crib bedding, room accessories and children’s clothing to be sold in JCPenney’s across America. […]

Greenbuds All Natural Crib Mattress

Pam and Melisa often get asked what new parents should invest in for the nursery, and a product they always recommend is a natural crib mattress. Today Melisa is talking about a great all natural crib mattress from Greenbuds on Project Nursery’s YouTube Channel. […]

grayc glass nightlight

We loved grayc glass nightlights when we first spotted them, so we are happy to be teaming up with grayc glass to give away one nightlight to four lucky Project Nursery readers! Nightlights are a must for every nursery, and these nightlights double as beautiful pieces of art. […]

Modified Tot Crib Bedding

You know we love a good mompreneur story. When Holly was pregnant and couldn’t find bedding to suit her contemporary home, she made her own. She caught the bug and hasn’t stopped since. From sewing herself to employing her own team, business and fashion educated Holly has turned Modified Tot into a full-service shop featuring …

There is no shortage of beautiful mobiles out there in the baby world. The key is finding the right style to complement your nursery. Here’s a few in a variety of styles. […]

Birdhouse Wallpaper by SISSY + MARLEY for Jill Malek

Okay, okay. I know you’ve seen a lot of wallpaper posts from us, but guys, this trend is not fading. We can’t help but share our latest find of gorgeous wallpaper resulting from a collaboration between interior decorators SISSY+MARLEY and designer Jill Malek. […]

giggleBaby Sheep Bedding

Our friends at giggle have teamed up with JCPenney to bring us giggleBaby—a line of clothes, toys, gear and bedding that offers their signature love of color and modern designs at affordable prices. […]

Giraffe Growth Chart

We all know that kids grow fast—sniff, sniff. It can be hard packing away all the outgrown clothes, but at the same time it means your child is soaring to new heights and reaching new milestones. Why not embrace it? One Project Nursery reader will be able to commemorate their little one reaching literal new …