Room Decor

Preppy Nursery with Name Art - Project Nursery

Are you in the midst of creating your dream nursery? Are you stuck on ideas for art to add to that wall behind your crib? Have you been scouring the Project Nursery gallery for ideas, but you’re just not sure? […]

Gold Nursery Art Prints

Gold started making its comeback a few years ago, and it’s still holding strong in both general home decor and in the nursery. A fun way to incorporate gold in the nursery without a big commitment is to use one of these gorgeous gold foil art prints […]

Eclectic Gender Neutral Nursery

Alice Berman, creator of Mermapillar, and her husband Brian are welcoming their first baby, and they generously shared their eclectic and fun, gender-neutral nursery with us. […]

Closet Dividers from Lucy Darling

We are so excited to introduce you to Lucy Darling! The whimsical art by Haily Meyers translates into incredible room decor, oh-so-adorable stickers for your growing belly or baby and amazing closet dividers […]

Minted Design Boards

Have you heard the news? Minted has put us to the test and sparked a little healthy competition among the members of the Project Nursery team. […]

Minted Artwork

It’s no secret that the members of the Project Nursery team are huge fans of Minted. While the site is best known for jaw-dropping birth announcements and party invites, there’s another side of Minted […]

Personalized Stickers from Kidecals

If I’ve learned anything from my daughter, it’s that stickers are a girl’s best friend. In a toddler’s world, they’re purely decorative, but as our family grows, organization is of the essence […]