We’re in awe of all the colorful images our readers have been sharing on Instagram! Our #nurserycolor photo contest has received so many amazing entries, and we’ve all been wowed by the inspiration. […]
Here at Project Nursery, we LOVE color! When we’re designing a room, we think color is the key ingredient that transforms the space and brings it alive. So no matter your style, you can always find a color that will help make your space pop! […]
Consider this your PSA for the day. YLiving, an online retailer with a curated selection of modern furniture and decor, recently added a baby department, and it does not disappoint. […]
We’re firm believers that the nursery should be a happy place for both baby and parents. It’s the perfect place for bonding with your new bundle of joy, and we want to make sure it’s a place of relaxation and contentment, too. We’re so excited to be partnering with Babies”R”Us to help spread this message! …
Do you ever feel like your three-year-old’s wardrobe is more on-trend than your own? Well, hold on to your high heels, because pint-sized furniture is poised to overtake your perfectly curated living room collection in the style department. […]
I have worked in the baby business for well over a decade, and with each passing year, the expecting parents that I meet become more educated, inquisitive and definitely more direct about what they want (thank you, Pinterest!). […]
When you bring your baby home from the hospital, you want your home to be a safe haven for him or her. It’s easy to get scared and overwhelmed by all the warnings and safety messages that we parents are inundated with today. But our recommendation is, when you’re feeling overwhelmed, ask the experts! […]
Time to ‘fess up, mamas. When you were shopping for nursery furniture, how many cribs did you look at before you found the one? I mean, it’s such an important decision to make when you’re expecting—it’s where your tiny bundle of baby perfection is going to (hopefully) spend many, many (many!) hours. […]