
I just love scrolling through the pictures of all the gorgeous nurseries in Project Nursery's gallery, and I always find myself drooling over the rooms that radiate color and creativity! I'm a sucker for color, especially when you take two colors that might not be considered otherwise and combine them into a beautiful masterpiece. My …

A couple of weeks ago, we packed up and headed west to partake in Los Angeles' "Biggest Baby Shower Ever," put on by the original Big City Moms, Risa Goldberg and Leslie Venokur. The star-studded baby shower not only educated moms-to-be but created a fun and friendly venue for marketers to share the latest and …

Designer Bedroom for Girl

On February 15th, a mere three weeks ago, Little Crown Interiors received a very exciting email from a producer at the daytime talk show The Doctors. She reached out to Little Crown Interiors to provide expert advice for an upcoming episode—solving one problem, three ways. The problem: children who aren't sleeping in their own beds …

We love tea parties. Morning, afternoon or evening, we always relish the ritual of relaxing with a soothing cup of tea and some delicious treats. It's a ritual all about pretty things—how could we not be fans? We've received requests from parents to incorporate tea party-themed elements in both girls' rooms and playrooms. Here are some of …

Picking out nursery furniture can be overwhelming. There are so many options out there it's hard to narrow it down. When I first found out I was pregnant, I was constantly dreaming up designs for the nursery. It took me months and many shopping trips before I finally settled on my nursery furniture. I knew …

We love finding out what makes our favorite design mavens tick, and when we get a chance to pick their brains a bit, well it's like Christmas has come early. That's how we felt when Jennifer DeLonge was game to chat about her designs. Jennifer is, after all, the creative genius behind two collections for Franklin …

I have to admit when I open the mailbox to uncover a new catalog I get excited. Maybe it’s the shopper in me, but there is something amazing about opening a catalog filled with new products! One Step Ahead is always a fan favorite in my house. My daughter and I love to sit down …