When my son turned one, I thought it would be extra special to have a photo album on display at his party to showcase to the world his first, joyful year on earth. Oh, but wait! Life with a child is crazy and this was simply not an option. Funny I should say this now. …
Baby’s Things
For the record I love baby books. I think they are precious and the idea of capturing your baby's first years all in one place is so lovely. I just wish I had more time and discipline to keep up with them! I have accomplished actually acquiring the books but keeping them current is an …
Remember the days when nothing brought more of a thrill then building a fort out of the sofa cushions, a baseball bat and some old blankets? As a kid, there is just something special about a play space that is self built to your own scale. Add some toys, the family dog and a flashlight …
If someone would have told me 5 years ago that my Catholic-self would be celebrating Passover and proud, I wouldn't have believed them. So far, I've survived 9 tours of Seder dinners with my New York family. Last year, I got a bye due to a C-section. Whew! An extreme, but viable excuse. This year …