Baby’s Things

Today, Melisa and Pam are taking you window shopping in the hip Tribeca boutique Babesta Cribz on Project Nursery’s YouTube Channel. Shop owner, Jen Cattaui points out her favorite holiday picks for both babies and toddlers. Let us know if any of these gifts will find their way into your home this holiday season in …

It's that time of year again! We've battled through Black Friday, surfed through Cyber Monday and now there's just a few short weeks left to get those must-have gifts for the babies and kids in your family. One of our favorite sources for modern, fresh and unique children's gifts is the MoMA Gift Shop. That's …

In the spirit of giving this holiday season, we are giving back to the Project Nursery community. To say thank you to our readers for your love and support during 2012, we've curated the "Ultimate Holiday Giveaway." From strollers to wall decals, this giveaway has it all. One very lucky reader will walk away with …

Those French are just so chic. Whether it's ordering a café au lait and a french macaron in a bakery or decorating the nursery with some added french flair, it will no doubt turn out sophisticated and ladylike. We took the classic French Chinoiserie style, which blends traditional French decor with Chinese accents, and we …

This year, our lovely design experts let us know what their top holiday gift picks were so we could share them with you. We hope you enjoy.   Toddlers are tricky to buy for. They change interests rapidly, and they are always crossing new developmental milestones. A few sure bets? Our design experts seem to …

This year, our lovely design experts let us know what their top holiday gift picks were so we could share them with you. We hope you enjoy.   Okay, so babies generally miss the whole concept of the holidays, but who can resist going all out for baby's first Christmas or Hanukkah? Just don't be …

There is something warm and inviting about an eclectic space filled with treasures gathered from faraway lands. It’s often how we decorate our homes—showcasing our travels and heritage—so why not the nursery? The key is to mix and match and layer. That’s exactly what we […]

I don't think I'll ever forget those frantic newborn moments out and about when my babies suddenly decided it was time to eat—not in a "two to five minutes will be peachy, mom" way, but more like right NOW.  Heart racing, fingers fumbling, I could never seem to get the bottle ready fast enough, and …