
We were overwhelmed by the love for the Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper bag in our last giveaway, so we're bringing PPB back by popular demand! This giveaway really doesn't need a big fancy introduction because judging by the results and excitement of our last  giveaway, our readers all know and LOVE Petunia Pickle Bottom! Who …

Today's giveaway combines two of the things Project Nursery loves most—talking about babies and chevron! Two Giggles is offering our readers the chance to win their beautiful Chevron Print Bound Baby Journal.This baby book gives you 125 designed pages to record all of your baby's growth, milestones and accomplishments—pregnancy to five years! There are over …

While we might not walk the red carpet or get chased by the paparazzi, but as moms, we are the stars of our homes. Between the sleepless nights and endless list of mom duties, every mom deserves (and needs) a little celebrity treatment. Our friends Jewels and Pinstripes are giving one very lucky Project Nursery …

There is nothing sweeter than a sleeping baby, especially when you are a sleep-deprived, new parent! The key is finding the right recipe for your baby to get the most peaceful sleep. The Hushamok Baby Hammock provides a natural soothing motion that may just be the ticket. One thing's for certain, the hammock will look …

When it comes to fashion, we all have our vices. Some women love shoes, some love jeans—I've always been a purse girl. Nothing says "I'm fabulous" like a beautiful handbag on your shoulder. So when the time came to turn in my well-dressed purse for a diaper bag, I didn't want to sacrifice on style. …

Are you looking for an amazing gift for your favorite mama-to-be? We've got the gift basket for you. Bellini's collection of baby gift baskets are cream of the crop and filled with luxury baby items. So whether you want to be that generous friend who shows up to the baby shower with an amazing gift …

When you have a new baby, you want to shout from the rooftops and show your baby off to the world. After all, it's such an amazing thing you've just done, and look how cute that baby is! However, tiny babies are best kept away from the masses for a while until their little immune …

Our friends at My Wonderful Walls have released a lovely new collection of wall stickers: The Classic Nursery. As you can imagine, the images are sweet and revisit classic children's room themes. Each image comes in four color options that are soft and muted, which create both a calming and vintage feel—perfect for your baby …