
Baby Brezza Formula Pro

Picture this. It’s 3am, and you’ve just closed your eyes after spending the last three hours bouncing, rocking and soothing your baby to sleep. And that’s when you hear it through the monitor—those first soft whimpers that are sure to turn into full-fledged screams in a matter of moments. […]

LoungeBuddies Infant Positioner from Comfort & Harmony

You know how when you have a toddler and a baby, ALL of the toys in your house are automatically the property of the three-year-old princess—I mean, the older child? Speaking from my current situation, toys that are meant for babies, […]

Newport Cottages Devon Dresser from The Project Nursery Shop

Here at Project Nursery, we LOVE color! When we’re designing a room, we think color is the key ingredient that transforms the space and brings it alive. So no matter your style, you can always find a color that will help make your space pop! […]

Baby Blanket from Modern Burlap

When you have a baby, you can never have too many diapers, burp cloths, binkys and blankets! I’m sure there are a lot of other things that belong on that list, but those are the ones that I’ve been reaching for over and over (and OVER!) […]

Uh Oh Pasghettio designs art especially for those special little people in our lives, and their collection includes something for everyone—the adventurer, the animal lover, the dreamer, the artist, the little gentleman, the sweet baby girl, and more. […]

Baby Boy Clothes from Littlest Prince Couture

One of my favorite things about having a baby girl was to choose her outfits. Girlfriend had (and still has!) a more stylish wardrobe than I’ve ever dreamed of for myself, so when I found out that my second baby was a boy, I have to admit that my heart sunk just a little. […]

All About Baby Chalkboard from Pearhead

Looking back, I don’t have one photo of myself when I was pregnant with my first baby! So when I got pregnant for the second (and the last) time, I promised myself I was going to document every milestone, from the moment I found out I was expecting, to the birth of my baby and …