Talk about all dressed up with somewhere to go! We were recently honored to attend The Land of Nod’s Grand Opening of their new Southern California retail location. Based inside of the super-chic South Coast Plaza Shopping Center in Orange County, The Land of Nod’s newest store did not disappoint.
New Yorkers never like to miss a good party! This was clear when new and expecting parents, from all over NYC, flocked in droves last week to Big City Moms’ wildly popular “Biggest Baby Shower Ever.” […]
Watch out the Big Apple, here we come! It’s time for the best party in town, otherwise known as The Biggest Baby Shower Ever. On Thursday night, May 30th, from 6:30- 9:30, come see us at The Metropolitan Pavilion and get ready to enjoy the most fun and informative baby shower ever. […]
We are happy to share the news that we’re packing our bags and heading to the Windy City. You’ll find Melisa and Pam at THE hottest event in town, Best of Bump Club and Beyond, on May 19th, from 10 am – 2 pm, at the Marriott Michigan Avenue. […]
When Big City Moms decides they’re going to do something, they always do it right. So last week, when hundreds of new and expecting moms poured into the San Francisco edition of The Biggest Baby Shower Ever, it was no surprise that it was a splashing success. […]
We’re thrilled to be heading to Los Angeles on May 5th to help kick off Pregnancy Awareness Month. This is one organization our expecting parent community needs to know about! PAM was created to empower pregnant women and new families with information, “how-to” ideas and inspiration. […]
Yes, it's true! Project Nursery is happy to announce that baby store, NessaLee Baby, is launching a second location in Livingston, New Jersey. The original store, in Freehold, NJ, has been an excellent retail resource for new and expecting parents for years. Now this modern, on-trend store is coming north, to the delight of suburban parents …
Project Nursery is ecstatic to announce that Big City Moms is bringing their incredible Biggest Baby Shower Ever event to San Francisco! Given that half the Project Nursery team is based in the local SF Bay Area, we are thrilled that the show is coming to our neck of the woods. […]