
NYC Shared Boys Room

Today we are showcasing our very own Melisa’s shared boys room in her NYC apartment on Project Nursery’s YouTube Channel. Let us know what you think of the boys’ shared room in the comments, and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel. We look forward to bringing you new content every week. […]

Get ready to see one of the best looking and creatively designed shared bedrooms ever to hit Project Nursery! It’s no surprise that everyone loved this lofted girls room, as the room is pretty, feminine, fun and efficient—in fact, we could go on and on about all of its merits. Enough waxing poetic, time to …

You may remember the DIY beds for this room when I first shared some pictures of my boys’ unfinished shared room. I managed to get pretty far into the process while pregnant with #3, and then all the design came to a halt. Now I finally decided things needed to happen. […]

Small Shared Space Makeover

Today we are showcasing a room makeover of a small shared space—three kids in one tiny room!—on Project Nursery’s YouTube Channel. Let us know what you think of this small shared space makeover in the comments, and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel. […]

Today we get cozy with Rebecca Peragine, creator and artist of Children Inspire Design and Fresh Words Market. Rebecca’s fresh and friendly taste carried into her sons’ shared room. Giovanni and Matteo, nine and six respectively, get to enjoy the bright colors, rustic textures and cool patterns their super fun mom chose for their room. …

Do you ever check the time and realize it's five o' clock already and you have nothing planned for the kids for dinner? Pam and Melisa are sampling a quick alternative for those nights you just can't pull together that home cooked meal. See how frozen kids meals brand Kidfresh does in Pam and Melisa's …

Pam and Melisa are chatting about one of their favorite brands of children shoes—Pediped! Check out the video below to learn more about this great brand.

Meet Annalisa Thomas, President and CEO of Oilo. Oilo is known for their clean, simple and modern decor for the home and nursery. Parents love this company because they get high-end products without the designer price tags. Annalisa is expecting her third child […]