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New girl mom who owns her own jewelry business, avoids pink, love the beach, cooking and hanging with my husband and dog!

Modern Comfy Southern California Nursery

When I found out I was having a girl I knew I wanted to create a space for her that would be feminine, relaxing, but not frilly. I am not your frilly girly girl type of mom. With palm trees outside her nursery windows and the Southern California breeze flowing through the room I knew I wanted to do beach tan tones with just the right hint of apricot and blush. Project Nursery was a huge inspiration to me and it took me ages to lock down which decal I wanted to use. I definitely recommend taking the time to find a few inspiration photos you love and dive deep into making them a reality in your space. This project took me about 4 weeks to conceptualize and I am beyond happy with how it all turned out. We know she will love her time in here as an infant and beyond. Modern but totally cozy, we can’t wait for her to see it.