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Sip and See for Avalon

A Sip & See, an Aus­tralian tra­di­tion, is a type of baby shower where par­ents invite friends and fam­ily over to ‘see’ the new­born while ‘sip­ping’ on a drink, gen­er­ally Cham­pagne, tea, cof­fee, or punch. Leave it to the Aus­tralians to turn a baby shower into a rea­son to drink! A Sip & See is per­fect for cou­ples on their 2nd or 3rd child who either didn’t have a baby shower, or want a way to intro­duce all the fam­ily to the new baby at once. As the proud mommy of a brand new baby girl I wanted to do some­thing spe­cial to wel­come her into the world. Being that this is my 3rd child, I did not have a baby shower for her. Being that I am a small busi­ness owner, I do not get paid on mater­nity leave, so the hus­band gave me a teeny tiny bud­get to work with, so I became very DIY.