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Jackson’s nursery. Doubles as a guest room for out of town guests. Currently we’re renting a two bedroom apartment while we shop for a house. Since we’re renting, I didn’t want to paint the walls just to paint it back in a year. I compensated with a few removable decals. Also,  because of the rental blinds, we were unable to add window treatments. Those two things I think would have really finished the room. But, I’m happy with it considering the limitations. 


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    1. Frauline Melfi

      May 7, 2012

      Cool nursery with the gray, black, white and touches of turquoise. But with this color scheme, I feel like the giraffe is out of place.

    2. Amanda

      May 9, 2012

      Frauline Melfi,

      I wanted a blue giant giraffe, but couldn’t find one. Someone should make one :)

    3. Gaby

      July 9, 2016

      I’m having the same issue, but I am not sure if everything would fit in the room if I keep the futon in there (from IKEA). Do you mind telling me how big was your room?, thank you.

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