Shop Suggestions

    Dee Dee
    Dee Dee
    Dee Dee

    Shop New Arrivals


      1. Jillian

        June 19, 2012

        What paint color did you use on the walls?

      2. Tasha Cune

        June 26, 2012

        I adore your use of different colors and different patterns. They add a real interesting touch to the room. I also like a few cute touches, like the octopus, the lamp, and the white fur accent rug.

      3. Kelly

        June 26, 2012

        hi! where did you get the cute octopus? thx!

      4. Dee Dee

        August 15, 2012

        Tasha Cune,

        Thanks so much!! Sorry so late, I’ve since been so busy with Baby O! :)

      5. Dee Dee

        August 15, 2012


        Sorry so late! Porter Paints- Galactica

      6. Dee Dee

        August 15, 2012


        Sorry so late! I bought him at a Hallmark Store but the brand is Monkeez & Friends by Midwest -CBK

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