The color combination of this pink and orange nursery is just gorgeous. Whether it reminds you of the prettiest golden pink sunsets or sherbet summery sweetness, there is a warmth that exudes from this nursery. The abstract mural and acrylic crib add an elegance to the space that leaves plenty of room to grow as little Stevie gets older.

We’re so pleased that mama Nikki Riccoboni agreed to share her pretty space with us, and she also answered some of our questions about designing the space below. You can see more of Nikki’s pretty home on her instagram. Thank you, Nikki!

Where did you pull inspiration for your nursery design?
When I found out I was pregnant with Stevie, I felt connected to the colors yellow and orange. I wanted to create a room that reminded me of sunshine and incorporate those bright, happy, comforting colors.
When I was nine months pregnant, we had a house fire and ended up having to move out of our home for three months. It was a very stressful time having to move out and repair our home while living in airbnbs with a newborn. Stevie was truly the ray of sunshine that got us through it.

What part of the design process did you enjoy the most?
I loved looking for all the pieces to put together.
What is your favorite part or detail in your nursery?
It’s a tie between the wallpaper and the rug.

What is one thing that you would tell other parents to consider when starting their own nursery design project?
Don’t rush the process. It’s okay not to have every detail completed before the baby is born. Sometimes it’s easier to complete the project once the baby is here and you get to know them even more. You can look for finishing touches that complement their personality.

Photography by Nikki Riccoboni
Will you be creating a pink and orange nursery? We kind of love this color combo. Need more room inspiration? Be sure to visit more of our room tours.
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