My baby girl is starting to sample her way through the wonderful world of baby food. Check back with me later to see how that’s going, but one thing I forgot is what a pain in the neck it is to store baby food—all those pouches, jars and containers.

I decided to investigate what products are available these days to store baby food. While at first it may seem like a product with a short shelf life (see what I did there?), you’ll be surprised how long pouches will actually be in your life. Now that everything from yogurt to applesauce comes in a convenient pouch, you may be stashing pouches for several years.

Scroll through below for some products that might get your pantry situation under control and get your baby food organized.

If you really want a one-stop solution to store baby food and kid snacks, an over the door pantry organizer might be something you want to look into rather than buying a ton of individual bins.

Want to make your own baby food? Check out our baby food recipes! Or if you are looking for more ways to organize life with baby, check out these organization posts.
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