These are a Few of Our Favorite Things

This isn’t quite Oprah’s Favorite Things, but it’s basically the next best thing—all things baby, of course! Before we welcome 2017, we’re taking a minute to look back on some of our favorite things from The PN Shop because they are just too good not to share one last time. From baby essentials, to the trendiest (and tiniest!) baby clothing, all the way to wallpaper, these guys stole the show, and we totally get why.

Ballet slippers. Can you handle the cuteness? We are certain these are one of the cutest baby items we’ve seen all year. We even added matching bows, too. You’re welcome.  

Baby Ballet Slippers from The PN ShopGold Baby Ballet Slippers ($40)

Pom pom bibs. There are little girls with some serious style rocking these bibs all over the playground!

Pom Pom Bib from The PN ShopPom Pom Bib Set ($36)

Floral trend. The floral trend was where it was at in 2016, and this wallpaper was a showstopper, for sure. Project Nursery’s own Lauren made it the focal point of her sweet little girl’s room, and it is gorgeous!

Floral Wallpaper from The PN ShopJolie Wallpaper ($489)

Diaper bags. Because we’re living the #momlife and that comes with tons of things to carry, we need a bag that covers all the bases without sacrificing style. (And psst, if your diaper bag preference is a backpack, you’re in luck with the Marindale Backpack, which is our new favorite for 2017!)

Diaper Bag from The PN ShopRambler Satchel Diaper Bag ($65)

Birthday tees. We’re all about throwing an amazing party here at Project Nursery, especially when it’s the big first birthday bash. Little boys were breaking hearts in this tee all year long. There’s a matching one for the girls, too!

Birthday Dude Tee from The PN ShopBirthday Dude Tee ($24)

Personalized leggings. Little ones in leggings are pretty darn cute. Throw baby’s name on a pair, and you’ve scored yourself major points in the baby gift-giving department.

Personalized Leggings from The PN ShopPersonalized Leggings ($40)

Hop over to The Project Nursery Shop to check ‘em all out! Happy shopping and Happy New Year from all of us at The Shop!

Nikki Miller

Nikki Miller

Nikki lives in a small town suburb in New Jersey with her husband and energetic three-year-old boy, Logan. When she isn't searching for the next hottest baby item for The PN Shop, she loves to stay busy and spends her time on-the-go with her family and friends.

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