In the Nursery (Nook) with Casey Wiegand

Space is sometimes at a premium as your family begins to grow, and no one knows that better than Casey Wiegand, mama of four and the blogger behind Casey Leigh. She and her husband Christopher share their three bedroom home with seven-year-old Aiden, six-year-old Ainsleigh and four-year-old Apple, so when sweet Adelaide joined their family, Casey knew they’d have to get creative when it came time to create a nursery. And that’s when the idea to create a nursery nook in their vintage-inspired master bedroom was born.

Casey writes about everything from marriage to life with kids, and her posts are full of beautiful photographs that perfectly capture her impeccable eye for design and her beautiful take on vintage style. She’s graciously sharing a peek inside the unique space she created for Adelaide, which is the perfect sanctuary for these parents of four and their last little miracle.

Vintage Master Bedroom with Nursery Nook

Casey Wiegand with Baby Adelaide

Design inspiration can come from anywhere—what inspired your nursery design?
I really wanted our room to feel simple yet have touches of beauty and character. I wanted pops of color and my sweet Adelaide to have a little corner just for her. We have four kiddos (in our three bedroom house!), so we knew that she would be sleeping in our room for awhile. We love the way this shared space turned out! A lot of inspiration came from Anthropologie—I love the feel of everything that they do!

Vintage Master Bedroom with Nursery Nook

How did your personal style influence your design choices?
I think this space perfectly portrays my personal style. I really love the boho-classic feel to this space. It’s definitely one of my favorite rooms in the house! I knew that I wanted a small bassinet and an antique looking rocking chair to go with it. We searched so many antique shops in search of the perfect one!

Vintage Master Bedroom with Nursery Nook

Wicker Bassinet

Did you have any unexpected obstacles when creating this room? How did you overcome them or spin them to your advantage?
The only obstacle that we really ran into when planning this space was exactly that, SPACE. Because we are sharing a room, we decided to forfeit a changing table and some of the baby things that we had in our previous nurseries. The theme we went with was simple, and it has completely worked out great! With Adelaide being our fourth, I have realized how many things that we truly didn’t need this time around.

Vintage Eclectic Nursery

Vintage Eclectic Nursery

Now that the room is complete, what was your favorite part of the process? And what do you love the most about the finished design?
I love the way the vines pour over the windows outside—it almost feels like Adelaide’s bed is in a little treehouse. It was so fun picking out her little bassinet and blankets to match my bedding, as well as finding the perfect corner to set it all up. And now that she is here, I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way! Knowing she is our last babe, it’s such a sweet memory to know that she is nearby and we get to share a room with this last baby!

Casey Wiegand's Daughter Adelaide

Photography by Chris and Casey Wiegand



Courtney and her husband live in their hometown in Upstate New York with three-year-old Emiliana and two-year-old Everett. When she's not tagging along on Emmi's latest adventure or playing with Everett and his ever-growing collection of cars and trucks, Courtney shares her passion for creativity by teaching art classes for kids at her studio, Small Fry Art Studio.

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