5 Ways to Kick Germs to the Curb!

Fall is officially in the air. As we all know, along with the apple picking, changing leaves and cooler temperatures comes our least favorite part of this time of year—cold and flu season. Since we cannot put a protective bubble around our little ones, we are sharing a few tips that we use with our own families that might help you beat the germs this season.

Ask all visiting guests to wash their hands when entering the house. This is a simple request you can make to help prevent unwelcome germs in your home. When a guest enters your home ask that they wash their hands before handling the baby.

Cold and Flu Season Tips

Add a tag to the stroller or car seat “Please do not touch baby.” It still amazes me that strangers will randomly touch your baby in Target or the grocery store without even stopping to ask. During cold and flu season, a tag for infant car seats and strollers will come in handy! You can find the free printable tag (pictured below) in this DIY post.

Free Printable Car Seat Tag

Ask sick kids and friends to stay away. Stay away from sick people, plain and simple. We know it’s hard to miss out on events, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

If you have a toddler, consider small playdates rather than large indoor playgrounds in the height of cold and flu season. Now we understand this might be extremely difficult during those long winter days when your little ones may have a huge case of cabin fever. But you may want to skip the bounce house in favor of a small playgroup or storytime at the library during the height of cold and flu season.


Make disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer your best friend. Put disinfectant wipes everywhere! I keep wipes throughout the house and especially by the front door to wipe those places that are constantly touched. In a pinch, if you can’t get to a sink to wash hands, use hand sanitizing wipes to clean up your kids’ hands before snack time.

Of course, even with best intentions, you can’t always prevent getting sick. Your best bet is to catch it early. Have a trusted thermometer that will allow you to keep tabs on your little one from the very onset. No one wants to see their baby sick, and we totally get the instinct to check baby’s temp over and over. The award-winning Thermo lets you take baby’s temp even when he or she is sleeping, so you don’t have to worry about disturbing baby during much needed rest.


If your little one does get sick, don’t panic. Simply hover Withings’ Thermo over baby’s forehead and the 16 infrared sensors will pinpoint your baby’s temperature, even sending the measurement to the accompanying Thermo app.

Thermo and App

Mom and App

Thermo App

With lots of rest and fluids, hopefully you and your kiddo will be back on your feet in no time. Be sure to follow your pediatrician’s advice on when you should contact the office about your child’s sickness or fever. This is good information to have on hand before your baby catches his first cold.

WIN IT! One Project Nursery reader will the Withings’ Thermo (a $99.99 value).

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Withings’ Thermo

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California mom raising two blonde babies + one blonde doggy to make our family complete. I'm boho style obsessed and a wine lover at heart.

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