Add Watercolor and Florals to Your Nursery with Adoren Studio!

Welcome to our series spotlighting our Featured Vendors from our Vendor Guide. The guide includes carefully curated vendors from the baby and children’s industry in design, retail, special services and much more.

If you are looking for some gorgeous nursery artwork, then look no further. I am proud to introduce you to Adoren Studio and their amazing line of printable artwork for your nursery. There are so many options to choose from, including everything from floral prints, to monograms, to completely customizable artwork. Florals and watercolor are huge trends in nursery decor right now, and these prints are a convenient and beautiful way to add both elements to your little one’s space.

What about Adoren Studio makes you most proud?
I think I’m most proud to have a brand that draws its inspiration from the love of my child. My daughter is twenty months old, so I’ve only been at this motherhood thing for a very short time, and yet my heart is so full from her that this company was born out of the overflow. I just wanted to create beautiful things that expressed a mother’s (and father’s) love for a child.

Floral Nursery Artwork from Adoren Studio

Do you have a signature product or design element?
My most signature element is designing with watercolor. I absolutely love watercolor—I love the ombre of color and transparency of light that comes through the paint. And of course there’s this childlike wonder in watercolors that plays so well in nursery decor. I am a very amateur watercolor artist myself (some of the simpler designs in the shop are my originals) but a trained graphic designer. Through the power of Photoshop and licensed watercolor art from some of the best artists out there, I am able to create some really beautiful designs at very affordable prices for my customers—and they can download most of them immediately! I wanted to curate a collection of nursery artwork that reflects the beauty of the watercolor medium, so you’ll see that across the board in all of my designs and as a core element of my brand.

Watercolor Nursery Art from Adoren Studio

Where do you find your inspiration?
So many places—Pinterest and Instagram aside, a big source of inspiration is my customers! I love hearing their requests, and while I may not always be able to accommodate every one right away, they really help me to understand what customers want. I pay attention to them and keep a journal of requested designs, color schemes, sizes, etc. Beyond that, because I live in babyland and am immersed in the wonder of childhood, inspiration is everywhere! My daughter Bree is such a teacher to me, and I have a huge list of quotes and thoughts that I have about her that I want to turn into designs. I also get inspiration from stores where I shop for her—I may notice color trends in clothing stores or themes in nursery retailers. I try to pay attention to nursery bedding in particular because that is often a jumping off point for the rest of the nursery decor, so I try to stay on trend with what I see happening in that arena.

Nursery Artwork from Adoren Studio

What can we expect from you this year?
Expect to see expanded designs of my current collections, including more color schemes and some new designs within each collection. I also have plans for more designs for boys as I get a lot of requests for more boy designs. I have planned a Nautical Collection, a Celestial Collection and a Traveller Collection, among others. I am also planning to expand into home decor and offer some coordinating accessories, such as fabric, pillows and blankets.

Nursery Artwork from Adoren Studio

What advice do you have for parents when curating their nursery? Any nursery must-haves?
When designing a nursery, think about what you want the room to feel like when you are in the space. You will be spending a lot of time in there, so make sure the space is reflective of the environment you most want to create, whether that’s fun and whimsical, serene and calming, modern, free-spirited, etc. I would start there. I like to use Pinterest to browse ideas, and Project Nursery’s boards are a great place to gain inspiration. I pin whatever moves me, not thinking too much about coordination or anything, and then later evaluate my pins for the elements I like the most. I re-pin onto a favorites board or export the images out into a Photoshop document to help me hone in on my final look.

As for must-haves, I believe every nursery should have something personal, whether it’s a photo, monogram, birth announcement, name art or a quote that means something to you—make the space personal.

Smitten with these gorgeous designs? Be sure to check out Adoren Studio in our Vendor Guide.

If you are interested in applying to become a Project Nursery Vendor, please click here.

Halley Meadows

Halley Meadows

Halley and her husband live in the Washington DC Metro area with their daughters Peyton and newborn Everly, dog Duke and Ted the cat. Halley loves snapping photos, social media, and all things baby.

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