This Nursery is the Definition of “Handmade with Love”

Kariss Farris is a self-proclaimed jack-of-all-trades—this multi-talented new mom is a wedding photographer, blogger, seamstress, musician, graphic designer and SAHM to six-month-old Ellie. Kariss is a passionate creative who majored in Fashion Design at Baylor University before beginning her own creative endeavors, including one seriously gorgeous nursery. From the rich jewel tones, to the luxe gold accents, to the handmade items and DIY projects at every turn, you are going to love sweet little Ellie’s eclectic purple nursery.

Purple and White Girls NurseryCrib

Nursery Decor

Design inspiration can come from anywhere—what inspired your nursery design? 
I’ve never been very girly. Don’t get me wrong—I know how to get fancy when the time arrives, but I mostly prefer something a little more eclectic. I wanted Ellie’s room to mirror that. It was important to me that I give her room (no pun intended) to decide what type of girl she wants to be. I wanted her room to say “girl” but not scream it too loudly, if you catch my drift.

Purple and Gold NurseryChair

How did your personal style influence your design choices? 
I love things that are simple with a twist! The clean lines of purple and white on the walls are a favorite for me. I gave Ellie’s room a twist by gold foiling anything I could get my hands on—within reason!

Purple and Gold Nursery

DIY Nursery Wall Art

Now that the room is complete, what was your favorite part of the process? And what do you love the most about the finished design? 
My favorite part of the process was hand-making almost everything in that room. I put blood, sweat and tears into making her room something that can grow along with her, from sewing her sheets and hand-stitching each pillow, tassel and heart, to changing out and spray-painting the hardware on her chair and dresser. Shucks, I even hand- lettered her wall art, spray-painted her curtain rods and added gold leaf to almost everything I could get my hands on—all while nine months pregnant! It was so worth it. I love that Ellie sleeps in a room that was made with so much love.

Purple and Gold Nursery

Feminine Purple Nursery

What is that one thing that everyone mentions when they step into this space? 
Everyone always mentions Ellie’s mobile, which is actually an Ikea light that I gold-foiled. And instead of using the light it came with, I also added a string to hang it.

Purple and Gold Nursery

Glitter Newborn Headbands

What were your nursery must-haves when you started? Has that changed since you started using the space? 
My must-have was the Babyletto crib! I wanted something simple, clean and affordable that would transition with Ellie. Everyone was out of stock, EVERYONE. I waited and waited, and when they finally came back on the grid, I snagged one!

Purple and Gold Nursery

DIY Magic Wands

What is the one thing that you would tell other parents to consider when they’re starting their own nursery design projects? 
Nurseries can get expensive! If you are working on a budget, try finding look-alikes and transforming them with paint and hardware to achieve the look you are going for.

Kariss Faris' Nursery

photography by Phariss Photography



Courtney and her husband live in their hometown in Upstate New York with three-year-old Emiliana and two-year-old Everett. When she's not tagging along on Emmi's latest adventure or playing with Everett and his ever-growing collection of cars and trucks, Courtney shares her passion for creativity by teaching art classes for kids at her studio, Small Fry Art Studio.


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