Planning a first birthday is a big deal and a ton of work—we always want every detail to be absolutely perfect. And that’s why Baby Einstein is celebrating their 20th Birthday by helping you to plan your little’s first birthday!
Join us from Wednesday, August 3rd through Friday, August 5th as we pin first birthday ideas all inspired by Baby Einstein and their 20th Birthday Celebration. We will be pinning over a 48-hour period, so jump in to start gathering inspiration any time. Once it’s over, you will be all set to throw an amazing first birthday bash to celebrate that first year!
To help us bring these party ideas to life, we’ve partnered with some of the industry’s top designers and bloggers to get the design inspiration flowing.
Featuring special guest pinners from A Blissful Nest, Bird’s Party, Pen and Paper Flowers and Simple Stylings
Log on today, August 3rd through Friday, August 5th to see the pinning in progress, or check back after the party to see our complete PN + Baby Einstein First Birthday Party pinboard We’ll be pinning throughout the 48-hour time period, so keep checking back for awesome party ideas!
Also, be sure to tune in to Project Nursery on Friday—we’ll be revealing a prize pack from Baby Einstein that you won’t want to miss!
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