In the Playroom with The White Buffalo Styling Co.

As a work-from-home mom myself, every time I see a space that perfectly combines functionality for mom and playfulness for kiddos, I get weak in the knees. That’s not an easy balance to achieve, but Project Nursery alum and home stylist extraordinaire Lindsay Jackman did just that. She’s the founder of The White Buffalo Styling Co., and when she’s not creating design magic in her Greenville, SC, bungalow, she’s sharing her time with her husband Chris and their adorable 16-month-old daughter Rosie.

Lindsay discovered her passion for renovation and design when she and Chris were creating their first home as newlyweds, and she hasn’t looked back since. She shares their projects, her love for design and entertaining and even peeks into her life as a mama on her blog, and we’re thrilled that she’s giving us a tour of the Moroccan-inspired playroom and office that she shares with Rosie.

Bohemian Playroom Design

How did you start your playroom design? Any particular inspiration?
I knew that this would be a shared workspace for me and playspace for Rosie, so I was going for something that would suit both of us. I wanted a colorful and pattern-filled vibe, so I decided to go with a boho/Moroccan theme. First I chose the boucherouite rugs to layer and really give the room a colorful foundation, and then I worked off of them.

Eclectic Playroom Design
Jute Rug | Small Boucherouite Rug | Larger Boucherouite Rug

Bohemian Kids Playroom
Name Puzzle | Moroccan Pouf

Eclectic Kids Playroom
Table | Chairs | Stuffed Unicorn

We see you also have an office area in the space—the ultimate setup for a work-from-home mom. How do you maintain the boundaries of work and play?
Oh, this is an everyday battle for sure! I try to stick to set work hours that are mainly when Rosie is asleep. Thankfully, she’s a late sleeper, for which I am so grateful! I can usually get about two hours in before she gets up and some during naptime. I always try to work an hour or so in the room with her every day so that she sees mama doing something I’m passionate about and she gets some independent playtime! What has really made the difference with work is batching my time so that I have just a few tasks to accomplish during each block of work time. I used to just try to tackle everything, and I always ended up stressed and less effective. As for styling, DIYing and completing actual projects, Rosie comes along for the ride with all of that! I swear, this little one will be styling her own room by the time she’s three. I love the idea of her growing up around creativity and dreams.

Shared Office and Playroom Design
Wall ColorChair | Kantha Blanket

Home Office Details
Task Lamp

Did you have any unexpected obstacles when creating this room? How did you overcome them or spin them to your advantage?
I did. I really wanted a patterned wall and was planning on going with a floral wallpaper. As the design started to come together, I realized that I really needed a pattern with a white background and had already ordered blue floral wallpaper. I also realized how much harder it would be to hang wallpaper with our angled ceiling. In the end, I decided to paint my own playful floral design, and I am so glad I did! I love how it turned out, and when I’m having a hard day or run into an obstacle with work, I look up at it and am reminded that I can do this! It was something that I really didn’t think would turn out and the final result really surprised me. It inspires me to keep going and be creative.

Hand-Painted Floral Accent Wall
Curtain Rods

Shared Playroom and Office
Copper Sputnik Light | Red Marbled Lamp | Storage Shelves/Bins

Now that the room is complete, what do you love the most about the finished design?
There is so much I love about this room, but I think my favorite has to be that lace teepee. I wasn’t sure how Rosie would respond to it at her age, but she loves laying in it! We lay side by side each day and cuddle and read books or talk back and forth now that she’s starting to chat. It may be for five minutes or thirty depending on her mood, but it’s the only time this active baby wants to lay with me and snuggle. It’s the highlight of my days.

Bohemian Playroom
Lace Teepee | Play Kitchen

Lindsay Jackman's Playroom

What is the one thing that you would tell other parents to consider when they’re planning their playroom?
Really think ahead and imagine what your child will want in a year or two. Don’t limit yourself to things they can only enjoy now. I went ahead and got a table and chairs, a play kitchen and a teepee as my “investment pieces” even though some friends and even some readers said Rosie wouldn’t use them yet. I wanted this to be a room she can grow into, and to my surprise, she uses and loves all three of those things! Plus, we have a room that she can grow into when it comes to function and design. In creating this room for my office too, the design was inspiring and creative without being geared only to kids. I think she’ll like it longer and I know I love spending time in here!

Eclectic Playroom
Flamingo Print

Photography by Lindsay & Chris Jackman

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Courtney and her husband live in their hometown in Upstate New York with three-year-old Emiliana and two-year-old Everett. When she's not tagging along on Emmi's latest adventure or playing with Everett and his ever-growing collection of cars and trucks, Courtney shares her passion for creativity by teaching art classes for kids at her studio, Small Fry Art Studio.


  1. Chelsie H.

    July 21, 2016

    Love this room! Where did you get your curtains from??

  2. Lindsay

    July 22, 2016

    Thank you so much, Chelsie! We actually DIY’ed the curtains. I really wanted a two-tone pink panel, so I found fabric in the two shades I wanted and we cut strips at our desired length, sewed them together down the center, and hung them! They’re one of my favorite things in this space!

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