Making Your Own Baby Food? This is a Must!

When my first child started to transition to solid foods, I was committed to making his baby food. What I wasn’t anticipating was the amount of time it took to do it. I had the grand idea of making it all in one day and in bulk—
it took HOURS, and I always ended up with a sink overflowing with dishes. Oh, and a fussy baby too. Noooo thank you!

Baby Brezza Glass One Step Baby Food Maker

When I found out I was expecting my second child, I knew I wanted to do things differently. To put it honestly, I want to simplify. So when I got the chance to check out the Baby Brezza Glass One Step Baby Food Maker, I knew I’d found what I was looking for.

Here’s why I love it—it actually steams and purees your baby’s food in the same bowl with the press of one button. Goodbye, dishes! And with so many questions out there about the safety of plastics, I really appreciate the glass bowl.

Baby Brezza Glass One Step Baby Food Maker

Since I’ll be juggling two littles, the idea that I can add raw ingredients, press a button, walk away and come back to a ready-to-eat puree is very appealing to this mama!

Other highlights that make this product a win for me are the dishwasher-safe bowl, the suction cups on the bottom of the cooker (so there’s no sliding!) and the fact that it’s so intuitive! If the bowl is not clicked exactly into place, it will beep at you until it’s correct.

Baby Brezza Glass One Step Baby Food Maker

If you want to cook a few different foods together, I would advise that you put the food that needs to cook the longest at the bottom. It worked beautifully for me! Armed with some delicious, healthy baby food recipes and the Baby Brezza Glass One Step Baby Food Maker, I’m definitely ready this time around.

Product was received for review.
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Lauren Benson

Lauren Benson

Lauren, Project Nursery’s Social Media Director, is a work-at-home mom living in Texas with an elementary age son, toddler daughter and sweet baby girl. She loves “playing” on Instagram and talking all things baby and design with the PN social media community.

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