Soft and Cuddly Sensory Play with Baby Jack Loveys

Welcome to our series spotlighting our Featured Vendors from our Vendor Guide. The guide includes carefully curated vendors from the baby and children’s industry in design, retail, special services and much more.

Baby Jack and Company creates adorable loveys with ribbon tabs to allow for soft and cuddly sensory play. These toys were created after baby Jack’s mother found his finger caught in a red loop tag attached to a blanket. From that point forward, Kelley sewed all the tags closed and made tabs. This still allows children to rub the ribbon together for sensory play but avoids the possibility that they could get their fingers caught, creating loveys that are soft, comforting and safe!

Lovey from Baby Jack and Company

What about Baby Jack and Company makes you most proud?
Our business is more than just blankets. We created a kindness project called #spreadthelovey that connects people and brings lovey donations to hospitals and military, police and fire stations in the US. It makes me so proud to be able to show my kids how kindness is contagious and to allow them to experience the joy of giving back.

Do you have a signature product or design element?
We developed a tag security blanket that has a learning element so the lovey has longevity. If your child takes to a security attachment item, we wanted to give you many features and benefits—our loveys are educational with modern prints and ribbons sewn closed into tabs for sensory play. My son still tickles his arm with his red ribbon to fall asleep.

Lovey from Baby Jack and Company

What advice do you have for parents when curating their nurseries? Any nursery must-haves?
I encourage creating your nursery around a piece of artwork or an image that inspires you. It makes a personal statement in a room where you will spend so much time, and it will evoke so many emotions as your child grows. A comfortable glider or rocker and a book nook to encourage early learning are must-haves.

Where do you find your inspiration?
My kids Jack (7) and Bailey (4) bring a lot of inspiration to our designs and help me with the development of products. We also have a wonderful #babyjackfan group that helps with product development, marketing and feedback, and their little ones bring inspiration to our textile designs, which are all created by Baby Jack and Company.

Lovey from Baby Jack and Company

Tell us your motto.
Every child at every age needs comfort. Baby Jack and Company brings a sense of security with our soft and texture-filled loveys.

To get your little one of these sweet loveys, check out the Baby Jack and Company listing in our Vendor Guide!

If you are interested in applying to become a Project Nursery Vendor, please click here.


Halley Meadows

Halley Meadows

Halley and her husband live in the Washington DC Metro area with their daughters Peyton and newborn Everly, dog Duke and Ted the cat. Halley loves snapping photos, social media, and all things baby.

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