Adorable DIY Solution for Your Art Supplies!

Ready for a fabulous hack from Mountain High Yoghurt’s Simplicity Tour? Today we’re sharing one of our must-have projects for any home with kids and art supplies. If your house is anything like mine, you have an overwhelming amount of art supplies and limited space to store them. Well, we’ve got a solution for you! All you’re going to need is your empty Mountain High Yoghurt bins, twine and a bottle of modge podge!

Twine Wrapped Buckets for Art Supplies - Project Junior

DIY Art Supplies Bucket

Ready to upcycle your Mountain High Yoghurt bin? Follow the four easy steps in the video below to turn your empty tubs into a fabulous storage solution you can display in the house. It’s so easy the kids will love to help too!

Be sure to visit Mountain High Yoghurt‘s website for more creations and recipe ideas!



California mom raising two blonde babies + one blonde doggy to make our family complete. I'm boho style obsessed and a wine lover at heart.

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